GLIMPRINT Runnable Models Page Started

We have started a GLIMPRINT runnable models index page and individual pages for an intial set of three models.

One goal of GLIMPRINT is to create web-based resource where models relevant to immunology and digital twins can be hosted. Easy access to models in a runnable form is critical for education and for communicating the capabilities (and limitations) of computational models. The model should include a clear description of what is included, and should allow the user to run the model easily with the capability of modifying parameters and exploring outputs. We are particularly interested in the educational power of basic models that can be run interactively in a web browser.

Models will cover a range of complexities, from simple viral infection SIR (susceptible - infected - recovered) models in JavaScript or SBML running in a browser or Jupyter Notebook (or as a NetLogo model), to complex multiscale models that include discreet cells, subcellular processes, immune response, etc.

Our intial models are:

We hope to add many more models in the future. If you have a model you might like to share please let us know.