A modular framework and its application to drug therapy and effectivness

Multiscale, multicellular, spatiotemporal modeling of acute primary viral infection and immune response in epithelial tissues

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Resource Relevance: 

This model describes select interactions between generalized epithelial and immune cells and their extracellular environment associated with viral infection and immune response at the cellular and subcellular levels in a simulated epithelial layer.

How we built it: All model components are implemented in CompuCell3D, an open-source modeling and simulation environment of the spatiotemporal dynamics of virtual tissue at the cellular and subcellular levels. Model components under development are written in python and simulated in the CompuCell3D simulation engine, which is developed in C++. Supporting tools for documentation standards are being developed in python using Sphinx.

Model Location: This model can be run at the nanoHUB website (requires a nanoHUB account): https://nanohub.org/tools/cc3dcovid19. In addition, the entire project can be obtained from the github repository at https://github.com/covid-tissue-models/covid-tissue-response-models.

Resource Authors: 
Sego TJ, Aponte-Serrano JO, Ferrari Gianlupi J, Heaps SR, Breithaupt K, Brusch L, Crawshaw J, Osborne JM, Quardokus EM, Plemper RK, Glazier JA.
TJ Sego
Josua O Aponte-Serrano
Juliano Ferrari Gianlupi
Samuel R Heaps
Kira Breithaupt
Lutz Brusch
Jessica Crawshaw
James M Osborne
Ellen M Quardokus
Richard K Plemper
James A Glazier
Friday, October 20, 2023
PLOS Computational Biology