Staff Development Event Archive

Design Better Slides

Tuesday, November 28
Presented by: Erin Colonna

Erin shared ways to design better our slides for presentations. A great way to improve your next class or conference presentation.

Design Presentation Slides

Promote Your Research and Achievements

Ideas, examples, information, and more to further promote faculty research in the Lincoln area and beyond.

Self Promotion Ideas Word Doc

Situational Awareness

Monday, March 7 and Tuesday, March 8
Presented by: Officer Nolan Conradt, UNL Police Department

Officer Conradt covers basic situational awareness including fire alarms, tornado alarms, bomb threats, and active shooter situations.

Download the Powerpoint Presentation

Discover CORS

Thursday, February 25
Presented by: CORS Team

Learn how CORS operates, what it adds to the Libraries, and projects they are working on. We did the Discover series in the past, and they were very helpful for better understanding what our colleagues do.

Download the Powerpoint Presentation

Technology Conversation: Creative collaboration with 3D printing at UNL

Thursday, February 11
Presented by: Robert McCown

An introductory overview of the 3D technology, what it's used for across campus, and who has access to it. Finally, he will touch on the current role that our library has and potentially what other academic libraries are doing with it. There will be a couple 3D printers on hand, our Artec 3D scanner, some 3D printed examples that other departments have done, and we can all have a conversation about 3d.

Download the Powerpoint Presentation

Accessing Files in SharePoint

Thursday, January 28 and Tuesday, February 3, 2016
Presented by: Jenny Thoegersen

More and more of our library’s documents will move into SharePoint. It’s important to know how to access these files when they are needed. This short session will highlight how to locate and access files in SharePoint.

Download the Sharepoint Training PDF

Effective Meetings

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

A presentation on how to be not only a good committee chair, but the importance of good notes and eliciting group participation. This is applicable to anyone attending a meeting.

Download the Powerpoint Presentation

File Clean-up for the Libraries

Thurs, Dec. 4, 2014 10:30-11:30 ESC

The Libraries are encouraging us to clean up our files and folders. To make this easier for you, Jenny Thoegersen will share with us ways to explore our folders and files and methods for deleting what we don’t need.

Tech Talks - Learn a Little LYNC

Thurs, Nov. 11, 2014 LIR

Learn a little bit about how you can effectively use Lync to communicate and collaborate with colleagues in the Libraries and beyond.

Box Training for the Libraries

Tues., Sept. 23, 2014 LIR

If you read UNL Today, you may have noticed there are workshops offered on Box, a file sharing program for the campus. Faculty, staff and students can create a free UNL Box account at The Libraries are offering an in-house session for our staff and faculty. Ranelle Maltas will explain how to share and collaborate on files both on and off campus.

Measurements that Matter: Webinar

Tues., Mar. 4, 2014 Staff Development Webinar Room, LLN 203

More information

Forum with Libraries Chairs and Dean

Tues., Oct. 29, Nebraska Union, Georgian Suite

The Libraries recently made customer service that exceeds expectations one of our values. The Chairs and Dean will be speaking to that value at a forum. They will also be discussing the Think Yes philosophy and how it can be incorporated into our departments and units. Please join us to learn more. Forum Handout

Library 2.013 Virtual Conference

Fri., Oct. 18 and Sat., Oct. 19, 2013 Staff Development Webinar Room, LLN 203

The virtual conference will continue through Saturday, October 19. There are numerous offerings for each hour. We will be showing a few of the sessions in the Staff Development Webinar Room, LLN 203. Please let me know if there is one you would especially like to see. They are also easily watched from you own desk. If you are not able to watch tomorrow or Saturday, sessions will be recorded so that you can watch them later. For more information about the conference, visit:

Dean Busch on Leadership

Weds., Aug. 15, 2013 City Union, Colonial Room

As part of the Staff Development leadership curriculum, Nancy will be presenting some of her thoughts on leadership. more...

SpringyCamp - Day 2

Fri., May 17, 2013 ESC

  • Don't Make Me Ask: facilitating user-mediated discovery with the LibAnswers FAQ.
  • From Pain to Gain: Improved Communication with a Staff LibGuide.
  • Delivering Customized Resources in a Corporate Library with LibGuides.
  • Binning the Binder! How one reference desk lost two pounds of paper and improved staff communication.

For more information and bios of the presenters, go to

SpringyCamp - Day 1

Thurs., May 16, ESC

  • Think like a user: techniques to improve your researchers’ LibGuides experience.
  • The One-Shot Has Been Shot Dead! LibGuides & A Successful
  • Information Literacy Curriculum in Freshman Composition.
  • Expanding LibAnswers: A Campus Communication Solution.
  • Koalas, LibGuides and Chert, Oh My!
  • Live and Let LibAnalytics.

Webinar: EDUCAUSE 2013 Horizon Report

Weds., March 27, 2013 LIR

The 2013 EDUCAUSE Horizon Report in Action: Emerging Technologies Today and Tomorrow is now available at

This important annual report discusses emerging technologies and their effects on teaching and learning. Many of these are trends that affect libraries. This year’s highlighted trends: MOOCS (Massively Open Online Courses), Tablet Computing, Games and Gamification, Learning Analytics, 3-D Printing, and Wearable Technology.


Malcolm Brown, Director, EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative, EDUCAUSE
Veronica Diaz, Associate Director, EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative, EDUCAUSE
Paulo Blikstein, Assistant Professor, Stanford University
John Martin, Learning Technologies Consultant, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Ryan Martinez, Graduate Student/Instructor, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Tim Owens, Instructional Technology Specialist, University of Mary Washington


Wondering what’s new in mobiles, electronic books, learning analytics, and other emerging technology areas? Join Malcolm Brown and Veronica Diaz of the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative as they review the Horizon Report and examine how the report’s findings can be put to work at your institution. During this live hour and a half webinar, they’ll review various emerging technologies likely to have a significant impact on teaching and learning and creative expression over the next five years. They’ll also highlight how institutions across the world are implementing these technologies. The Horizon Report is an annual publication of the Horizon Project, a joint undertaking of the ELI and the New Media Consortium.

More about Adobe Connect

Tues., March 5, 2013 LIR

Donald Robertson from campus Information Services’ Collaborative Technologies will teach us how to set up Adobe Connect session. Several of our faculty and staff are finding Adobe Connect very useful in instruction, collaboration, and conferencing.

Available Handouts:
Best Practices for Adobe Connect Meetings

Lync training for the Libraries

Tues., Oct. 30, 2012 LIR

Julie Kirk has become the Libraries go-to person on how to use Lync, the Microsoft Outlook video communication package. At the recent session on web conferencing tools, we learned the capabilities of three programs. For this upcoming session, Julie will teach us how to use Lync. The Libraries are looking at various communication tools, this is a good opportunity to learn more about one that we already have on our staff workstations.

Lync 2010 Quick References:

Leadership 360

Tues., Oct. 23, LIR

Presentation Slides

As part of our Leadership series, Charlene Maxey-Harris will be sharing with us about the Leadership 360 program and building on our leadership curriculum. Charlene will briefly discuss her Association of Research Libraries (ARL) leadership fellowship experience and the 360 leadership self-assessment tool. Within the Leadership Career Development Program (LCDP) they looked at leadership as system based, a vision for the future, a bridge between impossibilities and reality, increasing knowledge capacity, and skill building. There are several 360 assessment surveys on the market, the program used Kouzes & Posner's Leadership Practices Inventory to assess leadership development areas of growth, strengths, and effective behaviors.

Video Communications for the Libraries

Weds., Oct. 3, 2012 LIR

Available Handouts:

Web video communication and conferencing is possible through University provided software and through popular venues. The Campus is using it for meetings, one-on-one instruction, and conferences. We are having an informational session to show you the capabilities of Microsoft Lync, Adobe Connect, and Google Hangout. This is a great opportunity to see how you might use it in your day-to-day office procedures, instruction, reference, and more.

Leadership with Michael Straatmann

Thurs., June 28, 2012 LIR

Presentation Slides

Michael Straatmann will be presenting “Developing Leadership through Group Dynamics” as part of our leadership series He will give a brief overview of small group dynamics and their stages of growth. We will discuss models of group development and discuss each progression using several theories; then focus on the expectations, participatory and leadership roles available, and specific leadership actions and models needed for each stage. It is aimed at all levels of staff who work within small groups.

Michael teaches “Leadership and Management in Libraries and Information Agencies” at Central Community College for their LIS program, advanced adult and youth leadership courses for the Boy Scouts of America across SE Nebraska, and participated in both the Nebraska Library Leadership Institute and the ARL/OLMS Leadership and Management Skills Institute. He also currently serves as the Executive Director of the Nebraska Library Association.

Leadership: The Symbolic Elaine

Weds., May 30, 2012 LIR

Elaine Westbrooks, Associate Dean, is presenting the sixth session in our Leadership curriculum. The upcoming session, her fifth, will concentrate on the Symbolic part of the Reframing Leadership: The Four Frames.

Also available: Brief Library Leadership Bibliography

If you would like to access the online Prezi sessions that Elaine presented on Leadership, please follow these directions:

  1. Go to
  2. Click "Explore"
  3. In the search box enter "Reframing Westbrooks"
  4. Click the Arrow button to play the presentation

Libraries Leadership Curriculum
Elaine Westbrooks, Associate Dean

Thurs., Nov. 10, 2011 LIR

Reframing Leadership: The Four Frames

Based on the work of Lee Bolman and Terrence Deal, Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice, and Leadership. Elaine Westbrooks will introduce the four frames or perspectives for understanding leadership and organizations and provide a framework for exploring your leadership choices and environments. In a world where uncertainty is the norm, a solid foundation in the basics of how organizations work and how leaders keep them working well is essential. All participants will be asked to complete a 5-minute Leadership Orientations questionnaire.

11th Annual "Brick and Click Libraries” Symposium

Fri., Nov. 4, 2011 Northwest Missouri State University, Maryville, MO

  1. Stay on top of technology applications
  2. Learn about best academic library practices
  3. Meet other professionals
  4. Get practical information to take home

Ebooks with Elaine Westbrooks

Thurs., Oct. 13, 2011 LIR

Selected Ebook Bibliography

Ebook sales are now outpacing hardback sales and publishers are boasting ebook numbers alongside their traditional in-store sales numbers. Ebook readers are on pace to sell for less than $100.00 before the end of this year.

What does all of this mean for the future of books and ebooks? What does this mean for the future of ebooks in libraries? Elaine Westbrooks will talk about the ebook landscape and address the following questions:

  • Why do research libraries typically pay more for ebooks than print books?
  • What are the major ebook platforms out there and which ones are in use at UNL?
  • What impact does readers such as the Nook & Kindle have on ebook availability and price?
  • What does the research tell us about what users think of ebooks and the preferences for them among certain user groups?

This session will tell you everything that you need to know about ebooks and what UNL Library offers.

Evacuation Drill Training

The Libraries in conjunction with Campus Police will be doing an Evacuation Drill for Love Library, Tuesday, October 18, at 10:30. During the drill everyone will be evacuating the building, all patrons and all employees. This is a requirement of the "Higher Education Act". To make the drill more effective, there will be no announcements to our patrons ahead of time.

In preparation for the actual drill, Officers Gardy and Pembleton will go over what the evacuation will entail. Part of this will be training on how best to evacuate people, so this is appropriate for those in the branch libraries, too. In order to be able to accommodate all of the Libraries' employees, there will be several sessions.


  • Tues., Oct. 4, 2011 10:30-11:30, LIR
  • Tues., Oct. 4, 2011 1:30-2:30, LIR
  • Weds., Oct. 5, 2011 10:30-11:30, LIR
  • Weds., Oct. 5, 2011 1:30-2:30, LIR
  • Weds., Oct. 12, 2011 1:30-2:30, LIR
  • Thur., Oct. 13, 2011 9:30-10:30, LIR

Creating Subject Guides for the 21st-Century Library (ALA TechSource Webinar)

Tues., Sept. 20, 2011 ESC

The subject guide has been a valuable tool for school and academic librarians for decades, first as a print resource and more recently as web pages and web-based documents. In this ALA TechSource Webinar, Buffy Hamilton of The Unquiet Library will show how to revitalize the subject guide as a dynamic, customizable, social resource by integrating it into the web.

Topics include:

  • How to use free resources such as widgets, RSS feeds, mashups, cloud computing, videos, and social bookmarking to create streams of quality information
  • Understanding the concept of social scholarship
  • How to use non-traditional social media sources of information such as blogs, Twitter streams, podcasts, and YouTube in your subject guides
  • Free and subscription-based tools you can use to host these information portals/research guides

Buffy Hamilton is librarian at Creekview High School in Canton, Georgia, where she introduced Media 21, a participatory, transliterate learning environment for research projects. She received a Cutting-Edge Service Award from the ALA's Office for Information and Technology Policy. A 2011 Library Journal Mover and Shaker, Buffy was also named one of Tech & Learning’s 30 EdTech Leaders of the Future. She blogs at The Unquiet Librarian and ALA Learning.

Camtasia for the Libraries

Tues., July 12, 2011 LIR

There's a new system called Camtasia in the LIR that lets you record your presentation as you give it. We would like Libraries' staff to try it out in a lightning round fashion!

Volunteers prepared a short presentations that tell co-workers one thing that they should know how to do in the Libraries. Each of these presentations were recorded with the new software, so they can be used elsewhere, like on a wiki or as part of a training program.

Discussion Forum with Dean Giesecke

Wed., May. 11, 2011 LIR


Discussion Forum series with Dean Giesecke about her recent article, Finding the Right Metaphor: Restructuring, Realigning, and Repackaging Today's Research Libraries. Published in: Journal of Library Administration v. 51 no. 1, pp. 54-65.

UNLPD offers 'Situational Awareness' to faculty, staff

Thur., Apr. 22, 2011 City Union

The UNL Police Department is offering training and information sessions on "situational awareness." The sessions, designed for faculty and staff, will include information on things to think about and how to protect yourself during what could be a volatile situation.

Situational awareness means understanding how information, events and an people's actions will impact an individual's safety - and possibly their survival - in emergency situations.


Discover Interlibrary Loan

Tues., Apr. 6, 2011 LIR


ILL is integral in providing our patrons with materials we don't own and even some of those we do own. Please join us to learn the ins-and-outs and to get answers to your questions about ILL.

Free Online Collaboration Tools: Scott Childers

Tues., Mar. 29, 2011 LIR


As we do more and more collaborative work with people both across the hall and across the world, we need more tools to communicate, schedule, document, brainstorm, and create. There are some expensive tools out there for big permanent groups, but sometimes you just need something quick and easy. This session will take a broad look at some things that you can use for free with very little needed for installation or setup.

Discover Love Circulation

Tues., Mar. 22, 2011 LIR


As part of our Discover series, we are featuring Love Circulation. They will be telling us about some of their main functions and projects they are working on. This will be a good chance for you to understand better how these units operate.

Effective Meeting for the Libraries

Tues., Mar. 1, 2011 LIR


It is time to renew our meeting skills. Tom McFarland will present meeting best practices. We want to have the most effective and productive meetings, whether it is a committee, department, or one-on-one.

Project Management for the Libraries

Introductory session - Tues., Feb. 22, 2011
Introductory session - Wed., Mar. 9, 2011 LIR


Project Management Engine Diagram

The Libraries have coordinated Project Management training for interested staff and faculty. Gary Aerts, Director of Information Systems, conducted the sessions. Gary has considerable experience in project management and has given classes to the Libraries several times over the years. This time the training was in two parts. The first part was basic project management; the second part was a practicum dealing with real or created projects.

Project Management Templates

Data Curation FAQ session and discussion

Tues., Dec. 14, 2010 LIR

As previously announced, Associate Dean Westbrooks submitted the "Data Curation FAQ" draft version for review on the Data Working Group's homepage. The complete document is available as a pdf for download.

The following resources are also available at the data curation website:

Articles about the liaison/subject librarian's role in e-science and data curation:

In the January 2011 issue of the Journal of Agricultural and Food Information, there will be an article discussing an agriculture librarian's work curating an agronomic dataset.

OUCH: That Stereotype Hurts

Nov. 15, 18, 23, 30, 2010 LIR

The Libraries are offering several sessions of the OUCH: That Stereotype Hurts program. OUCH! is based on the book by Leslie C. Aguilar on how to speak up in the face of demeaning comments, stereotypes or bias in the workplace. This program will enable faculty to continue the discussions they have been having on intra-faculty communication. We also want to offer this program to staff as a follow-up on the academic program review and ClimateQUAL. All Faculty and Staff were required to attend one of the OUCH! sessions.


Presentation Tips

Brick and Click Libraries

Fri., Nov. 5, 2010 Northwest Missouri State University, Maryville, Missouri

"Brick and Click" presentation topics included promoting services and resources, student learning assessment, dealing with budget cuts, open source/local systems, successful staff wikis, purchase on demand, embedded librarianship, and going mobile.

See the full program of session descriptions and presenters at:

Liaison Librarians: Inter Campus/Cross Disciplinary Programs, Panel And Discussion

Tues., Oct. 19, 2010 LIR

Panel and discussion about shared strategies for inter-campus/ or cross disciplinary programs. Leslie, Ginny, and Kay W. gave presentations regarding their experiences.

  • Leslie Delserone: Water for Food, her Minnesota experience, and thoughts about what she saw come about from CIC membership
  • Virginia Baldwin: Science Librarians report
  • Kay Walter: CDRH interdisciplinary teams and projects


QR Code Workshop

Tues., July 27, 2010 LIR

The Libraries will begin using them in the coming Fall semester. To help us familiarize ourselves with the technology, DeeAnn Allison and Staff Development sponsored a workshop and "scavenger hunt".

The following URL takes you to information on the Libraries QR Code Program. It includes instructions for using a smart phone with QR codes.

  • If you missed the QR Code session, but still want to do the scavenger hunt, you can find the first QR Code on the bulletin board in the Compton Room.
  • Entry forms for the scavenger hunt are in the last book. They need to be filled out and deposited in the large envelope on the bulletin board in the Compton Room.
  • The QR Code Scavenger Hunt ends Tuesday, August 3, at 5:00.
  • There will be a feedback QR Code session, Wednesday, August 4, 10:30-11:30 in the LIR.
  • We will be drawing for prizes at the feedback session.
  • If you have a smart phone and are willing to partner with other Libraries staff in doing the scavenger hunt, please contact Tom McFarland.

If you have any questions, please call: 402-472-9463 or email:

Remember, the Libraries will soon be giving our users the opportunity to use QR Codes.

GWLA Data Curation Webinar

Tues., June 1, 2010 LIR


What kinds of data are libraries managing, how are they doing it and with what staff?

After giving a brief background summary of what the MIT Libraries are doing, Anne Graham and Amy Stout will discuss issues surrounding starting a data management program and provide an overview of what libraries need to know before starting a data management program. They will discuss the following topics from a subject librarian perspective:

  • How does your library system operate?
  • Are you better off starting your program from the top-down or using a grassroots approach?
  • Making contact with your faculty and finding out what they need.
  • Learning about data and e-science.
  • Developing relationships across departments that will facilitate your offering of services to people outside the library system.


  • Anne Graham is Civil and Environmental Engineering Librarian and GIS Liaison.
  • Amy Stout is Computer Science Librarian at MIT Libraries. Both Anne and Amy have been working on starting data services at the MIT Libraries. This includes educating faculty, students and lab managers about "best practices" for data management as well as initiating projects that encourage faculty to look to the libraries for the stewardship of their data.
  • G. Sayeed Choudhury is the Associate Dean for Library Digital Programs and Hodson Director of the Digital Research and Curation Center at the Sheridan Libraries of Johns Hopkins University.

Working with Others - Floyd Sylvester, EAP


Tues., May 11, 2010 Nebraska Union

Team work and getting along with co-workers is an important part of all positions. Floyd addresses ways to deal with difficult situations and how you can better relate with colleagues.

Patent Information as a Resource with Virginia Baldwin

Fri., Apr. 30, 2010 LIR


This Session will give insights into finding patent information on article indexes and three patent Websites: US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), European Patent Office (EPO) and World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). Also covered will be patenting statistics from the USPTO and WIPO, available by state, technology, company, and more and their value as information resources.

Discover Technical Services

Thur., Apr. 29, 2010 LIR


Please join Mary Bolin at her talk about Technical Services and some of the department's current projects.

Discover CDRH!

Thur., Feb. 25, 2010 LIR

Learn more about Center for Digital Research in the Humanities. The CDRH is a joint initiative of the University Libraries and the College of Arts & Sciences. The center has developed many resources. The following are a sampling of those based on Nebraska


Handheld Librarian Online Conference 2010

Wed., Feb. 17 - Thurs., Feb.18, 2010 LIR

This webinar was open to all staff and faculty in the Libraries. Keynote speakers included:

  • Tom Peters: Morphing with Mobile
  • Joan K. Lippincott: Mobilizing Libraries for Today's Students
  • Joe Murphy: This is Now: The Mobile Library
  • Alison Miller: Mobile Trends and Social Reference


UNL Digital Commons Forum

Tues., Jan. 26, 2010 LIR

Paul Royster describes ways UNL Digital Commons might be used for faculty outreach by liaison librarians. Faculty participation and awareness of the open-access institutional repository has grown over the past several years, and a number of services are now offered to faculty to make participation easier and more attractive. Paul is interested in a dialogue about what liaisons might like to do to coordinate or facilitate their departments' involvement.


Keeping Faculty Informed about Library Tools: The Power of CONTENTdm

Tues., November 10, LIR

Jolie Graybill

Some of the best and most unique collections on campus are yet to be discovered. Learn what you can do to help the library acquire these images (and other content) for CONTENTdm and to promote CONTENTdm to students, faculty, and staff.


Learning Organization with Dean Giesecke

Wed., Sept. 30, City Union


Dean Giesecke offers insights on the Learning Organization management philosophy adopted by the Libraries in 1996. For further reading on the Learning Organization, read the article by Dean Giesecke and Beth McNeil from the DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska–Lincoln. Joan Giesecke and Beth McNeil, 2004, Transitioning to the Learning Organization.

Engaging Library Users

Tues., Dec. 18, 2008

A priority of the Libraries 2009-10 strategic planning is to develop services and technologies that will improve engagement with our users. The accompanying files are input from "Engaging Library Users" in December 2008.


Engaging Library Users

Building Loyalty