Tutorial: Grand canonical ensemble and occupation numbers

Background: Sections 4.12 and 6.3 from Gould and Tobochnik.

  1. Review section II of the note on the connection of statistics with thermodynamics, which establishes the connection between \( \ln Z\) and the free energy. Provide a similar derivation of the connection between \( \ln Z_G \) and \( \Omega \), where \( Z_G \) is the grand partition function (4.144) (10 pts).
  2. Problem 4.53 (7 pts).
  3. Explain why the use of occupation numbers enables the correct enumeration of the states of a quantum gas, while the listing of states occupied by each particle does not (5 pts).
  4. Explain why it is easier to use the grand canonical ensemble for a quantum ideal gas compared to the canonical ensemble [with Eq. (6.65) and (6.66)] (3 pts).
  5. Problem 6.14 (5 pts).
  6. Problem 6.15 (8 pts).
  7. Problem 6.54 (12 pts).

Total: 50 pts.