Education and Outreach

Dr. Buan and colleague Dr. Stone leading a lab seminar for high school women participating in the UNL Women in Science day.

Archaea Power Hour virtual seminars

The Buan lab, in collaboration with colleagues from across the US and Mexico, began the Archaea Power Hour virtual seminar series in 2021 to bring archaea enthusiasts together to grow the community of researchers with expertise in archaeal biology. The APH meets monthly through the academic year for short talks and networking with researchers of all career stages. Through the virtual seminars, website, and social media, the APH is a valuable hub for dissemination of knowledge, education materials, and for broadening participation in STEM.

Recruiting and training early career researchers

The Buan lab recruits and trains young scientists through a variety of university programs including:

  • STEM-POWER. Incoming undergraduate students from underrepresented groups in STEM engage in a research project and other professional development activities to build a sense of community and belonging in STEM.
  • Bioenergy Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU). Undergraduate students from across the US learn about synthetic biology, anaerobic microbiology, and conversion of waste carbon to renewable energy, fuels, and chemicals.
  • Darrell J. Nelson Energy Sciences Summer Research Internship. Undergraduate students propose their own summer project related to renewable energy technology.
  • UCARE. Undergraduate Creative Activities and Research Experience is a full-year program where students propose and carry out their own independent research projects.
  • Honors thesis. Honors students work towards producing an independent thesis related to their independent research projects.

STEM Outreach

Members of the Buan lab are dedicated to furthering science education and the understanding of biochemistry to people of all ages and educational levels. We regularly participate in outreach events such as:

  • Women in Science. A campus-wide life sciences weekend of lectures and hands-on workshops to encourage high school women to enter STEM careers.
  • Sunday with a Scientist "Microbes Rock!" at the Nebraska State Museum. In collaboration with Dr. Karrie Weber in the School of Biological Sciences and Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, we engage the public of all ages in learning about the role of microbes in the environment and their every day lives.
  • Dinosaurs and Disasters at the Nebraska State Museum. In collaboration with Dr. Karrie Weber in the School of Biological Sciences and Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, we discuss the role of microbes in everything from evolution to dinosaur digestion at this annual event  that attracts approximately 5,000 visitors from across the region.


BIOC435: Coenzymes and Cofactors (2025-present)

  • This capstone course delves into the breadth of coenzymes and cofactors used in biology across the tree of life. Students analyze current and seminal literature to learn about biosynthesis, biochemistry, and uses of coenzymes and cofactors in health, agriculture, environment, and the bioeconomy.

    BIOC934: Genome Dynamics and Gene Expression (2011-2024)

    • This course provides a detailed examination of dynamic control mechanisms of genome maintenance and gene regulation. Mechanisms of transcription, translation, and replication based on analysis of current and seminal literature.

    Graduate assistant Jennie Catlett assisting in a tour of the UNL green houses.