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National Academies Digital Twins Panels

Ethical Needs and Questions for Digital Twins: Thursday, May 9 from 2-4pm ET Protecting individual privacy requires proactive consideration at every phase of development and within each element of the digital twin ecosystem.  And using information obtained from a digital twin to make decisions raises additional ethical concerns. Speakers will explore these concerns and possible avenues for responsible development. Learn more, register, and watch the webinar on the event page <> . 

Regulatory Challenges and Approaches for Deploying Digital Twins: Thursday May 16 from 2-4pm ET The personalized nature of digital twins and the ability to inform or automate key decisions present novel regulatory and governance considerations. In this session, panelists will discuss these needs as well as potential approaches to developing thoughtful standards and regulations for digital twins.  Learn more, register, and watch the webinar on the event page <> .   

Human-Digital Twin Interactions: Thursday, May 23 from 2-4pm ET Humans may play a range of roles in their interactions with digital twins, such as influencing the design of the digital twin, continuous support, and using digital twin output for decision-making. Speakers will highlight how human operators may alter the state of the digital twin and how digital twins might be designed to support effective communication to decision-makers.  Learn more, register, and watch the webinar on the event page <> .

Digital Twins for Social and Behavioral Systems: Thursday, May 30 from 2-4pm ET This session will explore the application of digital twins in social and behavioral settings and systems that may not have a physical counterpart. Panelists will highlight the nuances and opportunities that such environments may present for digital twins.  Learn more, register, and watch the webinar on the event page .

Learn more about their recent report, workshop proceedings, and upcoming events on digital twin technologies on the project page