Tutorial: Ideal gas in the classical limit

Reading: G&T 6.1, 6.2.
  1. Determine the order-of-magnitude relation between particle density and mean distance between them in three dimensions. This is Problem 6.1(c). (4 pts)
  2. Convince yourself that the (semi)classical limit corresponds to the condition (6.1). Estimate the temperature at which this condition is violated for helium at the density of air, treating it as an ideal gas (5 pts).
  3. Follow the derivation of (6.10) and verify (6.11) (2 pts).
  4. Problem 6.2 (3 pts).
  5. Make sure you understand the justification of (6.24) and then verify (6.26) (3 pts).
  6. Problem 6.4 (5 pts).
  7. Problem 6.5 (8 pts).
  8. Problem 6.6(a) (4 pts).
  9. Problem 6.7 parts (a) and (b) (6 pts).
  10. Understand the connection between (6.30)-(6.31) and the entropy of mixing that was addressed in another tutorial (also see the discussion up to the end of Sectiom 6.1) (0 pts).
  11. Do you agree with the discussion in Problem 6.7 part (c)? There's a reasonable discussion on the Gibbs paradox in Wikipedia (0 pts).
  12. Review the arguments leading to the semiclassical limit (6.43) (0 pts).
  13. Calculate the partition function of the monatomic ideal gas using (6.43) and make sure that it agrees with the quantum calculation from Section 6.1 (5 pts).

Total: 45 points.