If I get stuck, where can I get help?
There are options for support, you may contact:
I am not able to login?
If this is your first time to login, verify that you are attempting to log in to the correct web site and are using your myUNL "Name" and "Password".
If you have logged in before, but now are not now able to and you have verified to your satisfaction that you are accessing the correct web site, with  your myUNL information, please note that your UNL position may have "expired". UNLcms utilizes UNL's Central Authentication Service (CAS) as a single sign-on solution. As such, there are no separate UNLcms accounts, rather UNLcms depends on your myUNL to be active to log you in. Please check with your unit's human resources or business operations to verify that in the personal records that your position has not expired. If your position has expired, you are in contact with the people who can correct the expireation date. If the position has not expired, please contact the UNLcms Support Contacts listed in support question above with your login issue.
The Home Page is missing for the people viewing the site, how do I restore it?
The "Default front page" (home page) is very likely not assigned.
To assign the site's home page, select from the toolbar "Configuration", "Site Information" and fill in the field for "Default front page". The information in this field is the "URL path settings Alias" of the document you want to be your home page. In the event the document is missing, you will need to recreate it.
I click on "Disable rich-text" & nothing happens, how do I get it to work?
Our observation is that you have previously copied some incorrect HTML code to this page.
A quick simple fix that works most of the time, is to "select all" of the content in the "Body" field and then cut & paste right back into the "Body" field and "Save". This process will use the edit's filter function to clean up the HTML code.After this step, you should expect to have a little clean up of the text of the HTML code that has been converted to plain text. However, you will also find that the "Disable rich-text" option is available again.
I don't know the password for my "myUNL" account, how do I find it? 
Please contact the UNL Help Desk at 402-472-3970. The Help Desk Staff will assist you in the process of reseting your password, so that you & only you will know what it is. Additional information about the Help Desk is available at  www.unl.edu/helpdesk