Orthography 2014

UNPS / UNL Orthography

Umóⁿhoⁿ Nation Public Schools and the University of Nebraska – Lincoln use an orthography similar to the orthographic style of Alice C. Fletcher and Francis La Flesche in "The Omaha Tribe".

Syllables end with the vowel and the stress is marked with a non–spacing accent mark.

Symbol Umóⁿhoⁿ example notes
◌◌  ččèshka Held long unaspirated consonant
◌ʰ◌ óⁿoⁿ Aspirated consonant (unicode 02B0)
◌̣ agé Muted consonant (unicode 0323)
◌̌ táti Harsh consonant (unicode 030C)
◌ⁿ◌ óⁿba Nasalized vowel (unicode 207F)
◌̀ wèduba Accented syllable, pitch falling (Grave, unicode 0300
◌́ tti Accented syllable, pitch rising (Acute, unicode 0301)
◌̂ tti Accented vowel in which the pitch rises and falls (Circumflex, unicode 0302)
◌̄ tti Accented syllable with a moderatly long vowel (Macron, unicode 0304)
◌ˀ◌ tˀé Glottal stop (unicode 02C0)  (possible captial tʡé)

Umóⁿhoⁿ Alphabet
LetterUmóⁿhoⁿ exampleAmerican English examplesnotes
◌ˀ◌ tˀé die, dead uhoh Glottal stop
a ská white father dadíha, ithádi, Lisa vowel
oⁿ óⁿba yawn iátha, concise, phone low back vowel, nasalized a; single sound without a distinct a or n (aⁿ in Ponka) zhōⁿ sleep zhóⁿ wood
b bi amá boy núzhiⁿga  bi amá they say
ččèga-x̌i church un–aspirated ch ččèga-x̌či - (brand, spanking new)
čč ččèshka gotcha èshka - short 
čʰ iⁿčʰòⁿga church aspirated ch mouse - iⁿtšʰòⁿga
d dúba dog  
e shé
weight, Las Vegas,
vowel fourth - wèduba
g égoⁿ girl  
h huhú high  
i ní feet, radiant vowel
iⁿ wíⁿ mean, machine vowel, nasalized i; without a fully pronounced n
j júba judge  
k ké skate un–aspirated k
kk kké
aí kettle aspirated k
m mí man  
n nú no  
o ho hold, go vowel; only found in modern Omaha
p pá spit un–aspirated p
pp ppá  
óⁿoⁿ pit aspirated p
s sábe sun  
sh shé ship Larson uses š
t té stop un–aspirated t
tt ttāshka acorn  
aí top aspirated t
th tháwa   not in English; ledh, a sound transitioning from l to th (Larson uses r)
u tú blue, loot vowel
uⁿ iⁿgthúⁿga spoon vowel, nasalized u; single sound without a distinct u or n
w waˀú wing  
agé sagen in German soft or voiced x; has been marked as gh, (Dorsey uses x)
ti Bach in German harsh x; (Dorsey uses q)
z zí zoo  
zh zhíⁿga beige, vision Larson uses ž

The diacritic marks used here are IPA symbols in Unicode fonts.  You can download the font Charis SIL from http://www.sil.org.