Community Conversation #3

Conversation Three - Setting Priorities

Discuss initial priorities related to the Characteristics. What will help the community move towards its desired future:


  • Continue the conversation
  • Set priorities

See preparation materials included in the agenda for the first meeting

This session assumes the community is ready to move to action. If not, additional information may need to be provided or the conversation may need to be restructured.

Welcome and Introductions
  • Ice Breaker - Ask community members to share a hope for the meeting
  • Review ground rules - Establishing ground rules will help productively guide the conversations. Share the suggested ground rules and ask for others:
    • Assume good intentions
    • Listen to understand
    • Participate fully
    • Balance participation
    • Focus on solutions

Review Highlights from the second meeting.


  • Display collective flip charts from first meeting around the room - i.e., what they liked about the community, strengths, values and the expect/like/love.
  • Ask for additional information that needs to be added to the flip charts.
  • Distribute summary of previous sessions.

Share the highlights from the responses to the questions from the second session:

  • What did you know?
  • What surprised you?
  • What additional information do you need?

Confirm Next Steps in Moving Forward.

Some initial priorities were identified in session two. If the group did not identify priorities, the facilitator can share what was heard from the conversations. Should there be more?

Note: The priorities may be adjusted - and projects will be grouped by the priorities.

Vision Activity
If the community has a vision, the discussion can turn to priorities. If not, a vision conversation may be necessary. Getting collective buy-in on the vision is important. Finalizing a vision statement at this meeting is not necessary.

Break into small groups around tables (select a discussion leader and note taker) and ask each table to discuss the following for 15 minutes: Picture the community you want 25 years in the future (the community you will hand over to the next generation). Share what’s in your picture.

Capture ideas on a flip chart. Individual tables will share ideas to the larger group.

Ask if there are a few people that would be willing to draft some ideas on a community vision statement before the next meeting.

Identify Priorities
Set up a flip chart for each of the eight characteristics that the group wants to discuss. Ask people to walk to the characteristic that they want to work on for this activity (select a discussion leader and note taker).

For each characteristic, identify the short and long term goals/statements (what the community wants to see happen). Capture the short and long term goals on flip chart paper and report back to the larger group.

Capture who was involved in the conversation and ask those present if they are willing to continue to work on the characteristics. Identify a leader(s) who will be willing to move the conversation forward. At the next meeting, these leaders will provide the summaries for their group. Individuals can be a part of more than one group but be sure contact information is shared. Who else needs to be involved in the group to make it successful?

If time allows, small groups may begin talking about action steps. Share the action planning document

At the Next Meeting:
  • Finalize priorities
  • Working sessions for action plans
  • How to keep everyone informed
  • How to track items as you move forward?

Debrief with the steering team following the session. Distribute a summary of the session before the next meeting.