We want you to have an awesome CEHS Global eXperience. A process has been built to get you ready for your education abroad program. Follow the process, and you will have a better Global eXperience.
Choose your CEHS Global eXperience from the Global X website under Opportunities Abroad. Once you’ve found a program you like, click on the MyWorld link for more details and to apply.
Once on the MyWorld page for your specific opportunity, click the apply button. The application process will walk you through additional steps to apply.
You will need a passport to travel to another country. You can get a passport photo and apply for your passport by making an appointment at the University Passport Office at 1700 Y Street, Room 106. For more information go to http://passport.unl.edu/.
The Education Abroad website has a variety of resources to help you prepare for your trip. Please visit http://educationabroad.unl.edu/student-guide for more information.