Social and Cognitive Program Graduate Student and Faculty Achievements

Below you fill find a list of the publications featuring Social and Cognitive Program graduate student authors, along with a list of awards, honors, and grants to program students and faculty.  This is not an exhaustive list but gives a strong representation of the areas and topics that program faculty are currently focused on.



Bernard, P., Hanoteau, F., Gervais, S. J., Servais, L., Bertolone, I., Deltenre, P. & Colin, C. (2019). Revealing clothing does not make the object: ERP evidences that cognitive objectification is driven by posture suggestiveness, not by revealing clothing. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 45, 16-26. doi: 10.1177/0146167218775690.

Bareket, O, Shnabel, N., Abeles, D., Gervais, S. J.,& Yuval-Greenberg, S. (2019). Evidence for the association between men’s explicit self-reported sexual objectification of women and implicit sexually objectifying gaze. Sex Roles, 245-256. doi: 10.1007/s11199-018-0983-8.

Berry, M. C., & Wiener, R. L. (2019).  Ex-offender housing stigma and discrimination.  Psychology, Public Policy, & the Law.

Brank, E.M., Groscup, J.L., Marshall, E.M., & Hoetger, L.A. (2019). Sniffer-dog searches in the United States. Court Review, 55(2).

Brank, E.M., Groscup, J.L., *Marshall, E.W., & *Hoetger, L.A. (2019). Privacy Rights and the Law under the Fourth Amendment. Encyclopedia of Psychology in the Real World.

Cantone, J. A., Martinez, L. N., & Willis Esqueda, C. (2019). Sounding Guilty: How Accent Bias Affects Juror Judgments of CulpabilityJournal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice.

Erlikhman, G., Fu, M., Dodd, M. D., & Caplovitz, G. P. (2019).  The Motion-Induced Contour Revisited: Observations on 3-D structure and illusory contour formation in moving stimuli. Journal of Vision, 19, 1-17.

Fessginer, M., Hazen, K., Bahm, J., Cole-Mossman, J., Heideman, R., & Brank, E. (2019). Mandatory, fast, and fair: Case outcomes and procedural justice in a family drug court. Journal of Experimental Criminology.

Hasanzadeh, S., Dao, B., Esmaeili, B., & Dodd, M. D.(2019). Role of personality in construction safety: Investigating the relationships between personality, attentional failure, and hazard identification under fall-hazard conditions. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 145,04019052

Holland, K. J.(2019). Examining responsible employees’ perceptions of their sexual assault reporting requirements under federal and institutional policy. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy. doi: 10.1111/asap.12176

Holland, K. J.,& Barnes, M. (2019). Institutional responses to sexual trauma: Introduction to a special issue. Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, 20(3), 259-262.doi: 10.1080/15299732.2019.1592642

Holland, K. J.& Bedera, N. (2019). “Call for help immediately”: A discourse analysis of resident assistants’ responses to sexual assault disclosures. Violence Against Women. doi:10.1177/1077801219863879

Holland, K. J., Cipriano, A.E., & Huit, T. Z. (2019). “The Fear is Palpable”: Service Providers’ Perceptions of Mandatory Reporting Policies for Sexual Assault in Higher Education. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 1-24. doi: 10.1111/asap.12193

 Holland, K. J. & Cipriano, A. E. (2019). Bystander response to sexual assault disclosures in the U.S. military: Encouraging survivors to use formal resources. American Journal of Community Psychology, 64, 203-218. doi: 10.1002/ajcp.12333

 Holland, K.J., Gustafson, A.M., Cortina, L.M., Cipriano, A. E. (2019). Supporting Survivors: The Roles of Rape Myths and Feminism in University Resident Assistants’ Response to Sexual Assault Disclosure Scenarios. Sex Roles, doi:10.1007/s11199-019-01048-6

Koehler, K., Boron, J.B., Garvin, T.M., Bice, M.R., & Stevens, J.R.(2019). Differential relation-ship between physical activity and intake of added sugar and nutrient-dense foods: A cross-sectionalanalysis.Appetite, 120, 91-97. doi:10.1016/j.appet.2019.05.010

Lim PC, Ward EJ, Vickery TJ, Johnson MR. (2019). Not-so-working memory: Drift in functional magnetic resonance imaging pattern representations during maintenance predicts errors in a visual working memory task. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 31: 15201534.

Neta, M., Harp, N. R., Henley, D. J., Beckford, S., & Koehler, K. (2019). One step at a time: Physical activity is linked to positive interpretations of ambiguity. PloS One, 14(11).

Petty, T., & Wiener, R. L. (2019).  The influence of offender race, risk level, and participant emotion on juvenile probation case judgments.  Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 19, 476-503.

Riemer, A., Gervais, S. J.,Skorinko, J., Douglas, S. M., Ullery, H., Miles-Novelo, A. (2019). She looks like she’d be an animal in bed: Dehumanization of drinking women in social contexts. Sex Roles, 617-629.doi: 10.1007/s11199-018-0958-9.

Saez, G., Riemer, A., Brock, R., & Gervais, S. J. (2019). Objectification in heterosexual romantic relationships: Examining relationship satisfaction of female objectification recipient and male objectifying perpertrators.  Sex Roles.

Schutte, A. R., & DeGirolamo, G. J.* (2019). Test of a dynamic neural field model: Spatial working memory is biased away from distractors. Psychological Research.DOI: 10.1007/s00426-019-01166-6

Shepherd, S. M., Willis-Esqueda, C., Newton, D., Sivasubramaniam, E., & Paradies, Y. (2019). The challenge of cultural competence inthe workplace: perspectives of healthcareproviders. BMC Health Services Research, 9, 135-146.

Stevens, J.R.&Duque, J.F. (2019). Order matters: Alphabetizing in-text citations biasescitation rates.Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 26(3), 1020-1026. doi:10.3758/s13423-018-1532-8

Sullivan, G., Gervais, S. J.,Brock, R., & Stoltenberg, S. (2019). Social responsiveness and objectification: The moderating roles of serotonin transporter and serotonin receptor 2A genotypes in an objectification theory model of disordered eating. Sex Roles, 1-16.

Sunday, M. A., Dodd, M. D., Tomarken, A., & Gauthier, I. (2019).  How faces (and cars) may become special.  Vision Research, 157, 202-212.

Thayer, E. &Stevens, J.R.(2019). Animal-assisted intervention. In: J. Vonk & T.K. Shackelford(Eds.),Encyclopedia of animal cognition and behavior. New York: Springer. doi:10.1007/10.1007/978-3-319-47829-62057-16.

Thayer, E. &Stevens, J.R.(2019). Human-animal interaction. In: J. Vonk & T.K. Shackelford(Eds.),Encyclopedia of animal cognition and behavior. New York: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-47829-62058-1

 Tipples, J., Dodd, M. D., Grubaugh, J., & Kingstone, A. (2019).  Verbal descriptions of cue direction affect object desirability.  Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 471.

Turner, M.P.*, Hubbard, N.A., Sivakolundu, D.K., Himes, L.M., Hutchison, J.L., Hart, Jr. J., Frohman, E., Frohman, T., Okuda, D., Rypma, B. Preserved canonicality of the BOLD hemodynamic response reflects healthy cognition: Insights into the healthy brain through the window of multiple sclerosis. (2019). NeuroImage, 190, 46-55.

Weinberg, D.H ., Abowd, J. M., Belli, R. F., Cressie, N., Folch, D. C., Holan, S. H., Levenstein, M. C., Olson, K. M., Reiter, J. P., Shapiro, M. D., Smyth, J., Soh, L-K., Spencer, B. D., Spielman, S. E., Vilhuber, L., & Wikle, C. K. (2019). Effects of a government-academic partnership: Has the NSF-Census Bureau Research Network helped improve the U.S. statistical system? Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, 7, 589-619.

Williams, K. E. G., Votruba, A. M., Neuberg, S. L., & Saks, M. J. (2019).  Capital and punishment: Resource scarcity increases endorsement of the death penalty.  Evolution and Human Behavior, 40, 65-73.


Bareket, O, Shnabel, N., Abeles, D., Gervais, S. J., & Yuval-Greenberg, S. (2018). Evidence for the association between men’s explicit self-reported sexual objectification of women and implicit sexually objectifying gaze. Sex Roles

Beattie, H. L., Schutte, A. R., & Scortesa, C. S. (2018).  The relationship between spatial working memory precision and attention and inhibitory control in young children.  Cognitive Development, 47, 32-45.

Bernard, P., Gervais, S. J., & Klein, O. (2018). Objectifying objectification: When and why individuals are cognitively perceived similarly to objects. European Review of Social Psychology, 29, 82-121.

Bernard, P., Hanoteau, F., Gervais, S. J., Servais, L., Bertolone, I., Deltenre, P. & Colin, C. (2019). Revealing clothing does not make the object: ERP evidences that cognitive objectification is driven by posture suggestiveness, not by revealing clothing. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 45, 16-26. doi: 10.1177/0146167218775690.

Bernard, P., Gervais, S. J., Holland, A., & Dodd, M. (2018). When do people “check out” male bodies? Appearance-focus increases the objectifying gaze toward men. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 19, 484-489.

Braver, S. L. & Votruba, A. M. (2018). Does shared parenting CAUSE better outcomes for children: Empirical and research design considerations. Journal of Child Custody, 59(5), 452-468.

Camos V, Johnson MR, Loaiza V, Portrat S, Souza A, Vergauwe E. (2018). What is attentional refreshing in working memory? Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1424: 19–32.

Duque, J.F., Leichner, W., Ahmann, H. & Stevens, J.R. (2018). Mesotocin in uences pinyon jay prosociality. Biology Letters, 14(4), 20180105.

Franz, M.R, Haikalis, M., Riemer, A.R., Parrott, D.J., Gervais, S. J., & DiLillo, D. (2018). Further validation of a laboratory analog sexual aggression Task: Associations with novel risk factors for sexual violence. Violence and Victims. doi: 10.1891/0886-6708.VV-D-17-00064.

 Gervais, S. J., Allen, J., Riemer, A., & Gullickson, M. (2018). A balanced objectification theory: Using balance theory predict source sentiment based on valence and body sentiment. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. doi: 10.1177/04616721889625..

Gervais, S. J., Davidson, M. M., Canivez, G., Styck, K., & DiLillo, D. (2018). Sexual Objectification Perpetration: The Interpersonal Sexual Objectification Scale –Perpetration Version. Psychology of Violence, 8, 546-559.

Hasanzadeh, S., Esmaeili, B., and Dodd, M., (2018). Examining the Relationship between Construction Workers' Visual Attention and Situation Awareness under Fall and Tripping Hazard Conditions: Using Mobile Eye Tracking.” ASCE, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management.

Holland, K. J., Cortina, L. M., & Freyd, J. J. (2018). Advocating alternatives to mandatory reporting for college sexual assault: Reply to Newins (2018). American Psychologist. 

Holland, K. J., Cortina, L. M., & Freyd, J. J. (2018). Compelled disclosure of college sexual assault.  American Psychologist 73(3), 256-268.

Holloway, C. P., & Wiener, R. L. (2018). Abuse history and culpability judgments: Implications for battered spouse syndrome.  Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 24, 279-291.

Kiat, J.E., Belli, R.F. (2018). The Role of Individual Differences in Visual\Verbal Information Processing Preferences in Visual\Verbal Source Monitoring. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 30(7), 701-709.

Kiat, J.E., Cheadle, J.E. (2018). Tick-Tock Goes the Croc: A High-Density EEG Investigation of Risk-Taking Reactivity and Binge-Drinking Susceptibility. Social Cognitive & Affective Neuroscience, 13(6), 656-663.

Kiat, J.E., Dodd, M.D., Belli, R.F. Cheadle, J.E. (2018). The Signature of Undetected Change: An Exploratory Electrotomographic Investigation of Gradual Change Blindness. Journal of Neurophysiology, 5, 1629-35.

Kiat, J.E., Long, D., Belli, R.F. (2018). Attentional Responses on the Auditory Oddball predict False Memory Susceptibility. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 18(5), 1000-1014

Larson, L. R., Barger, B., Ogletree, S., Torquati, J., Rosenberg, S., Gaither, C. J., Bartz, J. M., Gardner, A., Moody, E., & Schutte, A. (2018).  Gray space and green space proximity associated with higher anxiety in youth with autism.  Health & Place, 53, 94-102.

MacInnes, W. J., Clarke, A., Hunt, A., & Dodd, M.D. (2018). A temporal model of attentional state from task classification and eye movement patterns.  Cognitive Computation, 10, 703-717.

McDonnell, G. P., Mills, M., Marshall, J. E., Zosky, J. E., & Dodd, M. D. (2018).  You detect while I search: Examining visual search efficiency in a joint search task. Visual Cognition, 26, 71-88.

Neta, M. & Dodd, M. D. (2018). Through the eyes of the beholder: Simulated Eye-movement Experience ("SEE") modulates valence bias in response to emotional ambiguity. Emotion. 

 Neta, M., Tong, T. T., & Henley, D. J. (2018). It’s a matter of time (perspectives): Shifting valence responses to emotional ambiguity. Motivation & Emotion, 42, 258-266. 

Petro, N. M., Tong, T. T., Henley, D. J., & Neta, M. (2018). Individual differences in valence bias: fMRI evidence of the initial negativity hypothesis. Social, Cognitive, and Affective Neuroscience, 13(7): 687-698.

Rabelo, V. C., Holland, K. J., & Cortina, L. M. (2018). From distrust to distressed: Associations among sexual assault, organizational trust, and occupational health in the U. S., military. Psychology of Violence.

Regenwetter, M., Cavagnaro, D., Popova, A., Guo, Y., Zwilling, C., Lim, S.-H., & Stevens, J.R. (2018). Heterogeneity and parsimony in intertemporal choice. Decision, 5(2), 63-94.

Riemer, A., Gervais, S. J., Skorinko, J., Douglas, S. M., Ullery, H., Miles-Novelo, A. (2018). She looks like she’d be an animal in bed: Dehumanization of drinking women in social contexts. Sex Roles. doi: 10.1007/s11199-018-0958-9.

Riemer, A., Haikalis, M., Franz, M., Dodd, M., DiLillo, D., & Gervais, S. J. (2018). Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder: Predictors of the objectifying gaze toward women. Sex Roles. doi 10.1007/s11199-017-0876-2.

Shepherd, S. M., Willis-Esqueda, C., Paradies,  Y., Sivasubramaniam, D., Sherwood, J., & Brockie, T. (2018). Racial and cultural minority experiences and perceptions of health care provision in a mid-western region.  Journal for Equity in Health, 17, 33-43.

Stevens, J.R. & Soh, L.-K. (2018). Predicting similarity judgments in intertemporal choice with machine learning. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 25(2), 627635.

Stevens, J.R.,Woike, J., Schooler, L.J., Lindner, S., and Pachur, T. (2018) Social contact patterns can buffer costs of forgetting in the evolution of cooperation. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B, 285(1880), 20180407.

Votruba, A. M. & Kwan, V. S. Y. (2018). When in Rome think like a Roman: Empirical evidence and implications of temporarily adopting dialectical thinking. The Psychological and Cultural Foundations of Dialectical Thinking. Editors Spencer-Rodgers, J. & Peng, K. Oxford University Press.

Wiener, R. L. & Vardsveen, T. C. (2018). The objective prong in sexual harassment: What is the standard? Law and Human Behavior, 42, 545–557. 

Williams, K E. G., Votruba, A. M., Neuberg, S. L., & Saks, M. J. (2018). Capital and punishment: Resource scarcity increases endorsement of the death penalty. Evolution and Human Behavior.

Willis-Esqueda, C., *Schlosser, M. J., *Delgado, R. H., **Garcia, D. O. (2018). Perceptions of the criminal justice system by minority and majority group university students: The role of ethnic identity. Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice

2017/in press

Bahle, B., Mills, M., & Dodd, M. D. (2017). Human classifier: Can individuals deduce which task someone was performing based solely on their eye movements? Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 79, 1415-1425.

Bornstein, B.H., Golding, J.L., Neuschatz, J., Kimbrough, K., Reed, K., Magyarics, C., & Luecht, K. (in press). Mock juror sampling issues in jury simulation research: A meta-analysis. Law & Human Behavior.

Brown, C. C., Raio, C. M., & Neta, M. (2017). Cortisol response enhance negative valence perception for ambiguous facial expressions. Nature: Scientific Reports, 7, article number: 15107. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-14846-3

Cantone, J.A. & Wiener, R.L. (2017). Religion at work: evaluating hostile work environment religious discrimination claims. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 23, 351-366.

Franz, M. R., Haikalis, M., Riemer, A. R., Parrott, D., Gervais, S. J., & DiLillo, D. (in press). Further Validation of a Laboratory Analog Sexual Aggression Task: Associations with Novel Risk Factors for Sexual Violence. Violence and Victims.

Gratton, C., Neta, M., Sun, H., Ploran, E. J., Schlaggar, B. L., Wheeler, M. E., Petersen, S. E., & Nelson, S. M. (2017). Distinct stages of moment-to-moment processing in the cinguloopercular and frontoparietal networks. Cerebral Cortex, 27(3), 2403-2417. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhw092. 

Hazen, K.; & Brank, E. (2017). Juvenile Curfews. In Encyclopedia of Juvenile Delinquency and Justice. (Vol. 112). Wiley Blackwell. 

Key, K. N., Neuschatz, J. S., Bornstein, B. H., Wetmore, S. A., Luecht, K. M., Dellapaolera, K. S., & Quinlivan, D. S. (2017). Beliefs about secondary confession evidence: A survey of laypeople and defense attorneys. Psychology, Crime & Law, DOI: 10.1080/1068316X.2017.1351968

Kiat, J.E., Belli, R.F. (2017). An Exploratory High-Density EEG Investigation of the Misinformation Effect: Attentional and Recollective Differences between True and False Perceptual Memories. Neurobiology of Learning & Memory. 141, 199-208. 

Kiat, J.E., Cheadle, J.E. (2017). The Impact of Individuation on the Bases of Human Empathic Responding. Neuroimage. 155, 312-321. 

Kiat, J. E., Ong, A. R., & Ganesan, A. (2017). The influence of Distractor Strength and Placement on MCQ Responding. Educational Psychology. Advance online publication

McDonnell, G. P., & Dodd, M. D. (2017).  Should students have the power to change course structure?  Teaching of Psychology, 44, 91-99.

McDonnell, G. P., Mills, M., Marshall, J. E., Zosky, J. E., & Dodd, M. D. (in press).  You Scan While I Search: Examining Visual Search Efficiency and Oculomotor Behavior in a Joint Search Task.  Manuscript accepted for publication in Visual Cognition.

Mills, M., Alwatban, M., Hage, B., Barney, E., Truemper, E. J., Bashford, G. R., & Dodd,      M. D. (2017). Cerebral hemodynamics during scene viewing: Hemispheric lateralization predicts temporal gaze behavior associated with distinct modes of visual processing. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 43, 1291-1302.     

Neta, M., Cantelon, J., Haga, Z., Mahoney, C. R., Taylor, H. A., & Davis, F. C. (2017). The impact of uncertain threat on affective bias: Individual differences in response to ambiguity. Emotion, 17(8):1137-1143. doi: 10.1037/emo0000349.

Neta, M., Nelson, S. M., & Petersen, S. E. (2017). Dorsal anterior cingulate, medial superior frontal cortex, and anterior insula show performance reporting-related late task control signals. Cerebral Cortex, 27(3), 2154-2165. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhw053.

Neta, M., Tong, T. T., Rosen, M. L., Enersen, A., Kim, M. J., & Dodd, M. D. (2017). All in the first glance: First fixation predicts individual differences in valence bias. Cognition & Emotion, 31(4), 772-780. doi: 10.1080/02699931.2016.1152231.

Reed, K. & Bornstein, B.H. (in press). Objection! Psychological perspectives on jurors’ perceptions of in-court attorney objections. South Dakota Law Review.

 Reed, K. & Bornstein, B. H. (in press). Grounds for relief: The implications of attorney distress for the legal system. Nebraska Lawyer.

Reed, K., Dellapaolera, K.S., Thimsen, S., & Bornstein, B.H. (in press). An empirical analysis of law-psychology journals: Who’s publishing and on what? In M. K. Miller & B. H. Bornstein (Eds.), Advances in Psychology and Law (vol. 3). New York, NY: Springer Science Business Media.

 Riemer, A. R., Haikalis, M., Franz, M. R., Dodd, M., DiLillo, D., & Gervais, S. J. (in press). Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder: An Initial Investigation of the Effects of Alcohol, Attractiveness, Warmth, and Competence on the Objectifying Gaze in Men. Sex Roles.

Schutte, A., Torquati, J., Kiat, J.E. (2017). The influence of Indoor and Natural Environments on Children’s Executive Function and Event-Related Potentials. Children, Youth & Environments, 27(2).

Shepherd, S. M., Delgado, R. H., Sherwood, J., & Paradies, Y. (2017). The impact of indigenous cultural identity and cultural engagement on violent offending. BMC Public Health, 181-7. doi:10.1186/s12889-017-4603-2 

Stevens, J.R. (2017). Replicability and reproducibility in comparative psychology. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 862.

Wellman, A. R., Hazen, K.A. & Brank, E.M. (in press). Parental blame frame: An empirical examination of the media’s portrayal of parents and their delinquent juveniles. The Whittier Law Journal of Child and Family Advocacy 

 Wellman, A.; Hazen, K.; & Brank, E. (2017). Daily dose of parental blame: Timeless medicine for juvenile crime, Whitter Journal of Child & Family Advocacy, 16, 1. 87-130.  

Whalen, P.J., Neta, M., Kim, M.J., Mattek, A.M., Davis, F.C., Taylor, J.M.,  & Chavez, S. (in press) Neural and behavioral responses to ambiguous facial expressions of emotion. In: Fernandez Dols, J.M. & Russell, J. (Eds.) The science of facial expression. Oxford.

 Willis-Esqueda, C., & Delgado, R. H. (2017). Attitudes Toward Violence and Gender as Predictors of Interpersonal Violence Interventions. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, DOI: 0886260517690872.

Winke, T. & Stevens, J.R. (2017). Is cooperative memory special? The role of costly errors, context, and social network size when remembering cooperative actions. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 4, 52.


Gervais, S. G., Wiener, R. L., Allen, J., Farnum, K., & Kimble, K. (2016). Do you see what I see? The effects of objectification and affective forecasting on emotions, performance, and sexual harassment. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 16, 143-174. doi: 10.1111/asap.12118

Hage, B., Alwatban, M. Barney, E., Mills, M., Dodd, M. D., Truemper, E. J., & Bashford, G. R. (2016). Functional transcranial Doppler ultrasound for measurement of hemispheric lateralization during visual memory and visual search cognitive tasks. Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 63, 2001-2007.

Hamm, J.A., Wylie, L.E., & Brank, E. M. (2016). Measuring Older Adult Confidence in the Courts and Law Enforcement. Criminal Justice Policy Review.  

Heideman, R.; Cole-Mossman, J.; Hoetger, L.; & Hazen, K. (2016). Giving parents a voice: A case study of a family treatment drug court track in Lancaster County, Nebraska. The Court Review, 52, 1. 36-42.

Kiat, J.E., Straley, E., Cheadle, J. E. (2016). Why Won’t They Sit with Me? An Exploratory Investigation of Stereotyped Cues, Social Exclusion, and the P3b. Social Neuroscience. 12(5), 612-625

Kiat, J.E., Straley, E., Cheadle, J. E. (2016). Escalating Risk and the Moderating Effect of Resistance to Peer Influence on the P200 and Feedback Related Negativity. Social Cognitive & Affective Neuroscience, 11(3): 377-386. 

Kimble, K. M. K., Farnum, K. S. Wiener, R. L., Gervais, S. J., Allen, J.  (2016). Differences in the eyes of the beholders: The roles of subjective and objective judgments in sexual harassment claims. Law & Human Behavior, 40, 319-336. doi: 10.1037/lhb0000182

Kimble, K. M. K., & Wiener, R. L. (2016). Equal protection versus free speech rights: When gains loom larger than losses. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 30, 722-735. doi: 10.1002/acp.3247

Mills, M., & Dodd, M. D. (2016). Which way is which? Examining symbolic control of attention with compound arrow cues. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics (Special Issue - Mechanisms of Attentional Control: A Special Issue in Honor of the Contributions of Steven Yantis), 78, 2152-2163.

Mills, M., Gonzalez, F. J., Giuseffi, K., Sievert, B., Smith, K. B., Hibbing, J. R., & Dodd, M. D. (2016). Political conservatism predicts asymmetries in emotional scene memory. Behavioural Brain Research, 306, 84-90.

Mills, M., Reinert-Gehman, O., Stoltenberg, S. F. & Dodd, M. D. (2016). Emotion moderates the association between HTR2A (rs6313) genotype and antisaccade latency. Experimental Brain Research, 234, 2653-2665.

 Reed, K., Bornstein, B. H., Jeon, A. B., & Wylie, L. E. (2016). Problem signs in law school: Fostering attorney well-being early in professional training. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 47, 148-156. doi: 10.1016/j.ijlp.2016.02.019

 Willis-Esqueda, C., Delgado, R. H., & Pedroza, K.  (2016). Patriotism and the impact on perceived threat and immigration attitudes, The Journal of Social Psychology, DOI: 10.1080/00224545.2016.1184125


Bernard, P., Gervais, S. J., Allen, J. Campomizzi, S. & Klein, O. (2015). Body parts reduction and self-objectification in the objectification of sexualized bodies. International Review of Social Psychology, 28, 39-61.

Bernard, P., Gervais, S. J., Allen, J. & Klein, O. (2015). Commentary "The sexualized-body-inversion hypothesis revisited: Valid indicator of sexual objectification or methodological artifact?" Frontiers in Psychology, 6. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00845

 Bernard, P., Gervais, S. J., Allen, J., Delmée, A., & Klein, O. (2015). From sex-objects to human beings: Masking sexual body parts and humanization as moderators to women’s objectification. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 39, 432-446. doi: 10.1177/0361684315580125

Gervais, S. J., Philippe, B., & Riemer, A. R. (2015). Who treats people as sex objects? Cultural orientation, social comparison, and sexual objectification perpetration. International Review of Social Psychology special issue, Objectifying Others: Social Psychological Perspectives, 28, 153-181.

Hoetger, L., Hazen, K., & Brank, E. (2015). All in the family: A retrospective study comparing sibling bullying and peer bullying. Journal of Family Violence, 30. 103-111. doi: 10.1007/s10896-014-9651-0. 

McDonnell, G. P., Mills, M., McCuller, L., & Dodd, M. D. (2015). How does implicit learning of search regularities alter the manner in which you search? Psychological Research, 79, 183-193.

Mills, M., Dalmaijer, E. S., Van der Stigchel, S., & Dodd, M. D. (2015). Effects of task and task-switching on temporal inhibition of return, facilitation of return, and saccadic momentum during scene viewing. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 41, 1300-1314.

Mills, M., Smith, K. B., Hibbing, J. R., & Dodd, M. D. (2015).  Obama cares about visuo-spatial attention: Perception of political figures moves attention and determines gaze direction. Behavioural Brain Research, 278, 221-225.

Reed, K., & Bornstein, B.H. (2015). Juries, joinder, and justice. The Jury Expert, 27 (3), 1-7.

Reed, K., & Bornstein, B. H. (2015). Using mock jury studies to measure community sentiment toward child sexual abusers. In M. K. Miller, J.A. Blumenthal, & J. Chamberlain (Eds.), Handbook of community sentiment (pp. 57 – 68). New York, NY: Springer Science Business Media.

Wylie, L.E., Brank, E.M., & Bornstein, B.H. (2015). “Now Dear, What Do You Remember?” Patronizing Communication and Older Eyewitnesses’ Memory Performance. Journal of Forensic Psychology, 33, 37-66. 

Wylie, L.E., Bergt, S., Haby, J.A., Brank, E.M., & Bornstein, B. H. (2015). Age and lineup type differences in the own-race bias.  Psychology, Crime, and Law. 21 (5), 490-506.



Nick Hubbard received a NARSAD Young Investigator Award: Prediction of depression symptoms trajectories across adolescence

Sarah Gervais received an R01 from the National Insitute of Health/NIAA: Promoting prosocial bystander behavior in intoxicated men.

Sarah Gervais received a Great Plains IDeA-CTR grant: Using virtual reality (VR) to assess the efficacy of a MI intervention to increase bystander intervention behaviors

Undergraduates Aaron Halvorsen (Johnson) and Joshua Warren (Dodd) were undergraduate poster award winners at the annual research fair. 

Undergraduate Alexius Hartman (Gervais) received the Wolfe award, presented annually to the outstanding senior psychology major.

Graduate student Catie Brown (Neta) won both the Graduate Student Teaching award and the Teacher of the Year award (the latter being voted on by psychology undergraduates)

Eve Brank was awarded Fellow Status in the American Psychological Association

Eve Brank was selected as an American Psychological Association Fellow

Multiple faculty members received the Certificate of Recognition for Contributions to Students (awarded by the UNL Teaching Council and the Parents Association)


Sarah Gervais received an R01 from the National Institutes of Health (2018-2021), Integrating alcohol myopia and objectification to understand sexual assault

Sarah Gervais received an R21 from the National Institutes of Health (2018-2020), Intervention to promote pro-social bystander behaviors

Maital Neta received an R01 from the National Institutes of Mental Health 2017-2022), Functional brain networks mediating individual differences in valence bias

Maital Neta received a National Science Foundation CAREER Award (2018-2023), Functional brain networks mediating positivity bias in healthy againg.


Hazel Delgado received an NSF Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant- Awarded by the National Science Foundation’s Law and Social Science Program. Motivation through GAS: A new frontier for risk management in adult probation

Melanie Fessinger received a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, 2017-2022

Kate Hazen is the Chair-Elect of the American Psychology and Law Society Student Committee (APA, Div. 41) 

John Kiat Receive a 2017 UNL Dean’s Fellowship

Catie Brown was a Science Slam Finalist (You can find the video of Catie's talk here:

Eve Brank received funding from the Spaulding for Children, U.S. DHHS Administration for Children and Families: Evaluation of the National Quality Improvement Center for Adoption and Guardianship Support and Preservation, Private/International Adoptions ($172,474 for 1.5 years) 

Mike Dodd received a 2017 Outstanding Research and Creative Activity Award (ORCA), University of Nebraska – Lincoln, College of Arts & Sciences – Mike Dodd

Maital Neta received the 2017 Harold and Esther Edgerton Junior Faculty Award, University of Nebraska - Lincoln 

Maital Neta received funding from the National Institute of Mental Health, R01 (2017-2022). “Functional brain networks mediating individual differences in valence bias.” PI: Neta, Co-I: Nim Tottenham (Psychology, Columbia University) Funded: $1,781,034

Jeff Stevens received funding from the National Science Foundation (2017-2021), “Similarity as a process model of intertemporal choice” PI with Leen-Kiat Soh (NSF-1658837, $655,373) – Jeff Stevens


Hazel Delgado received the 2016 Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching Award- Awarded by the Department of Psychology for outstanding research mentoring and collaboration, $500

Kate Hazen received a Grant-in-Aide, American Psychology and Law Society, APA Division 41, $750

Kate Hazen received an Outstanding Student Paper Honor, American Psychology and Law Society, APA Division

John Kiat received a 2016 Maude Hammond Fling Fellowship

John Kiat  received an Outstanding UNL Spring Research Fair Poster Presentation Honor

Mike Dodd received the Outstanding Undergraduate Research Mentor Award, University of Nebraska – Lincoln College of Arts & Sciences

Mike Dodd received funding from the National Science Foundation. RII Track2 FEC: Neural networks underlying the integration of knowledge and perception – EPSCoR Research Instruction Improvement Grant (A nine member, three institution grant with University of Delaware and the University of Nevada – Reno, Matt Johnson and Mike Dodd are the UNL contingent) ($6,000,000 total, to UNL  = $1,187,503).

Kathryn Holland received a SPSSI Crosby-Spendlove Travel Award (for presenting research from a feminist and social justice perspective), APA Division 9


Lori Hoetger and Eve Brank received a Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant, National Science Foundation (NSF):  Expectations of Privacy: Development, Digital Narratives, and Online Information Management ($13,468) 

Abbey Riemer received a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (Faculty Sponsor: Sarah Gervais, Ph.D.). The objectification equation: How objectifying experiences affect girls’ agency toward STEM domains. 2015-2018. ($138,000)

Eve Brank was named an  American Psychological Association’s Leadership Institute for Women Psychologists, Class 8 member

Eve Brank received a Parent Recognition Award, University of Nebraska Parents Association 

Cynthis Willis-Esqueda was a Death Penalty Focus Annual 2015 Honoree (2015, May 7). Certificate presented by Mike Farrell and Ed Asner at the annual Death Penalty Focus Awards Dinner. Beverly Hills, CA.