2005 Undergraduate Summer Research Experience in Virology (USREV)

2005 USREV

Seated left to right: Ashlee Muller, Kristi Teal, Lara Hause. Standing:
Dr. Charles Wood, Dr. John West, William Zitterkopf II, Dr. Peter Angeletti.

The 2005 USREV program included students from Truman State University, Kristi Teal and Lara Hause. NCV also hosts INBRE/BRIN undergraduate students from Nebraskan colleges and universities. The two pictured here are Ashlee Muller and William Zitterkopf II. Kristi completed her research under the direction of Dr. Robert Weldon, Jr. and Lara worked with Dr. Peter Angeletti while Ashlee and William completed their programs in the labs of Dr. Charles Wood and Dr. John West.

For more information about the USREV program contact Jolene Walker at virologycenter@unl.edu or phone 402.472.4560.