Military Science Classes

Basic Course (Freshmen & Sophomores)

Freshman Fall Semester

MLSC 101 & 101L: Foundations of Officership & Leadership Lab I

This course and associated leadership laboratory are the starting point for Freshman Cadets. These classes teach issues and competencies central to a commissioned officer's responsibilities. They provide cadets with an understanding of officership, leadership, Army values, and life skills, such as physical fitness and time management. The associated leadership lab is full of challenging, rewarding, and practical activities in military skill development. Developing confidence and learning the importance of teamwork in goal accomplishment are taught throughout. Cadets will learn and participate in rappelling, land navigation and map reading, marksmanship, survival training, personal defense activities, survival swimming, military weapons, military drill, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and first aid.

Freshman Spring Semester

MLSC 102 & 102L Basic Leadership & Leadership Lab II

The second semester of the Freshman year concentrates on leadership foundations: problem-solving, communications, military briefings, effective writing, goal setting, physical well-being, techniques for improving listening and speaking skills, and counseling. The leadership lab continues during the spring semester for all cadets.

Sophomore Fall Semester

MLSC 201 & 201L Individual Leadership Studies & Lab III

Sophomore cadets receive an introduction to replicating successful leadership characteristics through observations during experiential learning exercises. Cadets record characteristics, discuss them in small group settings and use them in subsequent activities. They also practice communication skills necessary for leadership roles, especially in military environments. The sophomore year leadership laboratory continues to help develop confidence, military skills, and a sense of teamwork. Cadets may be selected to fill leadership positions in the cadet corps. The variety of activities parallels those during the first year of the laboratory.

Sophomore Spring Semester

MLSC 202 & 202L Leadership and Teamwork & Lab IV

Cadets learn skills for building successful teams, methods to influence group actions, effective communications within groups, creativity in problem-solving, and how to motivate subordinates and peers—using these skills in the context of military environments, such as while performing land navigation and basic infantry tactics.

Basic Camp

Haven't taken some of the classes above? It's not too late!

Students who have not completed the first two years of classes (students who join the program after their freshman year have the option of taking the first and second-year courses concurrently) must successfully complete Basic Camp (BC) the summer before entering the MLSC 300 level classes. Students are paid travel expenses to and from BC and receive approximately $700 paid and free room and board. No military or ROTC obligation is incurred by BC attendance. 

Advanced Course (Juniors & Seniors)

Junior Fall Semester

MLSC 301 & 301L Leadership and Problem Solving & Leadership Laboratory V

Cadets will conduct self-assessments of leadership style, develop a personal fitness regimen, and plan and conduct individual/small unit tactical training while testing reasoning and problem-solving techniques. Cadets receive direct feedback on leadership abilities from the cadre (faculty). Cadets will experience placement in leadership positions within the cadet corps organization, providing a more significant challenge while building on the confidence and skills developed during the basic course. A concentration on physical conditioning and furthering military skill development, particularly with respect to small unit tactics and individual military weapons, is stressed. Practical exercises in preparation for LDAC (see below) and the leadership responsibilities of the final year will be held.

HIST 303/803 United States Military History, 1607-1917 or HIST 304/804 United States Military History Since 1917

Either of these two courses satisfies the mandatory military history requirement of the advanced program. They may be taken any time during the Cadet's Junior or Senior years. The first course covers the significance of military affairs in the context of American political, economic, and social history, from the formation of the earliest colonial militias to the pre-WWI preparedness movement. The second course covers from America's entry into WWI to the present. These courses discuss all of the major wars of these periods but also emphasizes such themes as the professionalization of the officer corps, the relationship between war and technology, and civil-military relations.

Junior Spring Semester

MLSC 302 & 302L Leadership and Ethics & Leadership Laboratory VI

This course stresses the role of communications, values, and ethics in practical leadership. Cadets learn ethical decision-making, consideration of others, spirituality in the military, and the Army leadership doctrine. Cadets will improve oral and written communication skills.

Advanced Camp (AC)/Cadet Summer Training (CST)

Advanced course students must attend Advanced Camp (AC) normally during the summer between their junior and senior years. At the discretion of the Professor of Military Science, attendance may be postponed until the end of the advanced course. AC consists of the practical application of instruction that has been given at the University. Students fire weapons, practice land navigation and employ tactics they have learned. Cadets are evaluated in a variety of potentially stressful leadership situations. Leadership is emphasized. Students are paid travel expenses to and from the course and, in addition, receive payments of approximately $700 while there. All accommodations, clothing, and food are furnished.

Senior Fall Semester

MLSC 401 & 401L Leadership and Management & Leadership Laboratory VII

Cadets will learn and refine proficiencies in planning and executing complex operations, functioning as a member of a staff, and mentoring subordinates. Training management, methods of effective staff collaboration, and developmental counseling techniques will also be taught. The Leadership workshop will provide the opportunity to practice leadership and managerial skills through practical application. Leadership laboratory programs are developed, planned, and conducted by the students registered in these workshops.

Senior Spring Semester

MLSC 402 & 402L Officership & Leadership Laboratory VIII

Cadets will do a case study analysis of military law and practical exercises in establishing an ethical command climate. Cadets will also complete a semester-long Senior Leadership Project that requires: planning, organizing, collaborating, analyzing, and demonstrating leadership skills.

Graduate Students

Graduate Students may participate in ROTC with four semesters or more remaining toward an advanced degree. The Military Science coursework requirements are handled on a case-by-case basis. Please contact the Big Red Battalion for more information.

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