Draft Draft Draft (02jan16mins)



Present:          Bryant, DiMagno, Logan-Peters, Miller, Prochaska-Cue, Sawyer, Spann, Whitt, Wolf


Absent:           Fuller, King, Scheideler, Siekman


Date:               Wednesday, January 16, 2002


Location:        201 Canfield Administration Building

1.0       Call to Order

            Bryant called the meeting to order at 3:04 p.m.


2.0       Announcements

            2.1      Student Leadership Award

Bryant announced that applications for student leadership awards are now available.


2.2      Parking

Bryant reported that he recently spoke with Tad McDowell, Director of Parking and Transit Services, regarding alternative funding for the second parking garage.  He stated that McDowell agreed with bringing David Ricketts, manager of the University of Iowa parking, to campus to consult about parking.  Bryant stated that he would check with members of the Parking Advisory Committee to see if they are in agreement.


3.0       Chancellor Perlman

            3.1       OpportunityHires

Bryant stated that the Executive committee was wondering whether the administration was planning on addressing the comments that were recently made in the press regarding opportunity hires.  Chancellor Perlman stated that Professor Harbison, Chemistry, has requested to speak to the Board of Regents at their January 19th meeting.  Chancellor Perlman indicated that he will respond to the issue at that time.  He noted that he has discussed the issue with some faculty members who are minorities and their consensus was that it would be best not to give credence to the issue by responding to the comments.  Sawyer asked if the guidelines were clear on opportunity hires or if they were confusing.  Chancellor Perlman stated that opportunity hires are an opportunity to gain someone in a particular field and are not relegated strictly to hiring minorities.  He pointed out that a number of the Othmer chair hires are opportunity hires. 


Bryant stated that there is concern that faculty are not always being consulted when new faculty members are hired within departments.  Chancellor Perlman stated that administrators cannot hire without the permission of the faculty.  Bryant noted that while this is technically correct, there are instances when hires are made without input from the faculty.  Miller pointed out that administrators can weigh in heavily on the hiring of faculty.  Chancellor Perlman agreed and stated that some of this is due to the limited additional funding being provided for such things as opportunity hires.  He pointed out that the real question is whether the campus feels that creating more diversity is central to improving the campus.  Miller noted that faculty have a responsibility and obligation to be involved in searches and hires and that the goal for everyone should be to increase diversity. 


3.2       Budget Update

Bryant asked if the Chancellor is going to have a conversation on the budget cuts with the Academic Planning Committee before the week of February 5th.  Chancellor Perlman pointed out that he is bound to follow the set of procedures governing budget reductions.  He stated that he would be meeting with the Deans, Directors, Academic Planning Committee, some of the members of the Senate Executive Committee, UAAD, UNOPA, and ASUN on the morning of February 5th to announce the budget cuts.  He noted that he would present the information to the Academic Senate that afternoon and would probably distribute a document that would provide more detail on the cuts. 


3.3       Follow Up to Academic Senate Meeting

The Chancellor and Executive Committee discussed the Academic Senate meeting held on the 15th.  In particular, they discussed the resolution that was presented and the necessary procedures to hold an emergency meeting the week following the next Senate meeting.


3.4       Climate Survey

Bryant asked if the climate survey will solicit information from students.  Chancellor Perlman stated that they are not looking to solicit students at this time because they want to get specific information from employees.  He stated that they have two proposals from outside consultants, but that both proposals need more specific information.  Wolf noted that the climate survey that was first discussed is significantly different from what is now being proposed.  He pointed out that the Committee on Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender Concerns is looking into conducting its own survey because they do not believe the climate survey will address issues dealing with their concerns.  Chancellor Perlman stated that he welcomes the survey from GLBT and that he would be interested in seeing the results of their survey.  He pointed out that the GLBT may have other needs that they wish to address.  He stated that the administration’s climate survey hopes to provide information that will allow them to develop training programs for employees.  He stated that he would like the survey to lead to improving the climate at UNL.  He noted that there are varying degrees of insensitivity on campus but little knowledge on how to deal with this.  Sawyer asked if the GLBT could receive a modest sum of money to help conduct the survey.  Chancellor Perlman stated that they could apply for funding.  Bryant stated that the Senate Executive committee would like to assist in any way to help with improving the climate on campus.


3.5       Issues on the Horizon

Prioritization Programs

Chancellor Perlman noted that 15 priority programs have made the first round of cuts and have been asked to write full proposals for funding.  He pointed out that this must be done quickly in order to access funds designated for priority programs.  He noted that he and the Vice Chancellors will review the proposals and select programs for funding.  He stated that the Academic Planning Committee will be consulted on the administrators’ decision.  He noted that the reason why the APC would not be as involved in the review process is strictly due to the limited time the committee will have because of the budget hearings the APC will be holding in February.


4.0       SVCAA Edwards

            SVCAA Edwards was unable to meet with the Executive Committee due to illness.


5.0       Approval of 1/9/02 Minutes

Sawyer moved and DiMagno seconded approval of the minutes as amended.  Motion approved


6.0       Unfinished Business

            No unfinished business was discussed.


7.0       New Business

            7.1       Nominations for Lab Fee Committee

Bryant asked the committee to send recommendations to him of two faculty members willing to serve on the Lab Fee Committee.


7.2       Inviting Nancy Meyer of Employee Assistance Program to Executive Committee Meeting to

Discuss Faculty Issues

Bryant asked the committee if they should meet with Nancy Meyer to discuss faculty issues with the Executive Committee.  The committee agreed to schedule a meeting with her towards the end of the semester.


7.3       Research Grants

The committee agreed that they would like to meet with Vice Chancellor Paul to discuss guidelines for grant proposals.


The meeting was adjourned at 4:34 p.m.  The next meeting of the Executive Committee will be held on Wednesday, January 23rd at 3:00 p.m. at 420 University Terrace.  The minutes are respectfully submitted by Karen Griffin, Coordinator and James King, Secretary.