Draft Draft Draft (02apr3mins)



Present:          DiMagno, Fuller, Logan-Peters, Miller, Prochaska-Cue, Sawyer, Spann, Whitt, Wolf


Absent:           Bryant, King, Scheideler, Siekman


Date:               Wednesday, April 3, 2002


Location:        420 University Terrace, Academic Senate Office

1.0       Call to Order

            Miller called the meeting to order at 3:04 p.m.


2.0       Announcements

2.1       Meeting with David Ricketts, Director of University of Iowa Parking and Transportation

Griffin reminded the committee that there will be a meeting with the Parking Advisory Committee on Thursday, April 11th at 10:00 to hear David Ricketts discuss parking problems here at UNL and how he has handled parking at the University of Iowa.


3.0       Ryan Wilkins, New ASUN President and Michelle Schrage, New ASUN First Vice-President

Whitt stated that he was surprised that the tuition increase was not addressed by President Smith at the Academic Senate Meeting on April 2nd.  Wilkins stated that he did not learn of the increase until it was reported by the Omaha World Herald.  He noted that it was explained to him that the tuition increase approved last year was for the biennium.  He pointed out that the ASUN leaders agreed to the tuition increase last year under the premise that it would assist faculty salaries, not that it would be used for budget cuts.  He stated that he will try to bring the issue up for discussion at the Board of Regents meeting on Saturday.  He noted that it is a tough sell to justify a 15% increase for non-residential students when in-state scholarships have just been increased. 


Wilkins stated that he is interested in working on the Dead Week policy and was informed by President Bryant that the Senate would be willing to discuss it.  He noted that there are a number of violations of the policy each semester which may in part be due to poor communications regarding the policy.  He pointed out that students are often unaware of their rights, particularly when it comes to this policy.  He stated that he will bring a proposal forward to the Senate Executive Committee for discussion. 


Wilkins reported that he is interested in working with career services in establishing a job shadowing program within the colleges and for general studies majors.  He pointed out that job shadowing might help students determine what will be their major.  Wolf asked if they had spoken to Career Services about this program.  Schrage stated that they have and that Career Services is interested in it providing that it is a student run program. 


Spann stated that a situation has surfaced in one of his classes with a student who has been hospitalized for a serious car accident.  He stated that the student cannot withdraw from the class and receive a refund on his tuition due to the timing.  Furthermore, the student is ineligible to receive an incomplete because he has not completed 60% of the coursework.  He pointed out that there needs to be some flexibility to allow for extenuating circumstances.  Wilkins and Schrage both indicated that this would be something that the ASUN would consider working on this next year.


Miller thanked the students for coming and stated that he hopes they can meet with the Executive Committee 3 or 4 times next year.


4.0       Approval of 3/27/02 Minutes

Fuller moved and Whitt seconded approval of the minutes as amended.  Motion approved.


5.0       Update on Faculty Compensation Advisory Committee Meeting

Miller reported that the committee met on April 1st.  He stated that there was a general discussion regarding the system utilized last year for distributing the increases.  The committee discussed whether the guidelines were uniformly followed last year by the departments.  Several members of the committee questioned the criteria that were used to determine merit increases.  One of the members pointed out that the merit system rewarded individual performance but not a unit that was uniformly working towards the betterment of the institution.  Some members of the committee were concerned that service was not considered in determining merit raises.  Miller reported that the committee hopes to have their final recommendations determined sometime next week as soon as the peer group faculty salary comparison has been determined and as soon as we know the final numbers from the legislature.


The Executive Committee discussed the system that was used last year to determine salary increases and why they think it should be different for this year.  They agreed that Miller should indicate on the draft minutes of the FCAC meeting that the Executive Committee did not feel that the proposed distribution supported faculty governance.  The Executive Committee then discussed the composition of the FCAC.  They wanted to know why there is not a similar committee that reviews administrative salary increases and agreed that the composition of the FCAC should be discussed with the Chancellor.  Griffin stated that she would research the history of the FCAC and report back to the committee.


6.0       Unfinished Business

            6.1       Evaluation of Administrators

Logan-Peters reported that the subcommittee had not met last week but that they would be meeting again soon.


            6.2       Normalizing Grades

            Item postponed.


            6.3       Follow Up on Previous Actions

Wolf pointed out that the Executive Committee has not received any information regarding this year’s use of the Pepsi Fund.  He suggested that VC Jackson should be contacted to get a report on the fund.


Wolf noted that the report from the consultant Noel Levitz on recruiting and retaining students was due in April.  He stated that the committee should determine whether this report has been submitted to the Chancellor.


7.0       New Business

7.1       Class Times for City Campus Classes Meeting on Tuesday & Thursdays

Spann reported that his college received notification that beginning with the Spring 2003 semester, all classes meeting on Tuesdays and Thursdays on city campus and using general purpose classrooms will be required to follow the time schedule determined by Records and Registration.  He noted that this means that classes would have to begin at 7:30 instead of 8:00.  Griffin reported that the UNL Bylaws state that VC Griesen gives final approval on all schedules.  The committee agreed that a letter should be drafted to VC Griesen regarding the potential problems of this schedule. 


The meeting was adjourned at 4:51 p.m.  The next meeting of the Academic Senate Executive Committee will be held on Wednesday, April 10th at 3:00 p.m., at the Academic Senate Office, 420 University Terrace.  The minutes are respectfully submitted by Karen Griffin, Coordinator, and James King, Secretary.