Draft Draft Draft (01mar7mins)





Present:          Bender, Bryant, Humes, Jackson, Prochaska-Cue, Scheideler, Siekman


Absent:           Fuller, Latta, Miller, Swoboda, Whitt, Zorn            


Date:               Wednesday, March 7, 2001


Location:        420 University Terrace, Academic Senate Office

1.0       Call to Order

            Scheideler called the meeting to order at 3:16 pm.


2.0       Announcements

            2.1       Board of Regents Meeting

Scheideler reported that the Student Recruitment Plan was presented at the Board of Regents meeting.  She noted that the plan was more goal oriented than the plan presented to the Academic Senate by Susanna Finnell, .  She stated that the report included college strategies for student recruitment.  She pointed out that not many of the colleges’ plan identified specific faculty-student interaction.  She noted that there was discussion that the best recruitment tool is to have faculty involved in discussions with prospective students and their parents.  She stated that the Engineering College demonstrated the most involvement in these discussions by holding events such as the “Women Interested in Engineering Day”.  Prochaska Cue asked if there is a time line for the student recruitment plan.  Scheideler stated that there is a time line which was detailed in the ptesentation.


Scheideler reported that there was discussion on technology in the classroom and the campus learning environments for the 21st century.  She stated that a report was given on the economic development of the State.  This report included a survey conducted by the Economic Development Office that indicated that the faculty is not spending enough time in forming partnerships with the outside communities. 


            2.2       Schedule of Classes

Scheideler noted that the language in the Schedule of Classes does not incorporate the changes suggested by the Executive Committee regarding students adhering to an instructor’s attendance policy.  She stated that she would contact the office of Registration and Records to have the language corrected.


3.0       Approval of 2/28/01 Minutes

            The minutes of 2/28/01 were not approved due to lack of a quorum.


4.0       Unfinished Business

            4.1       Review Revised ARRC Procedures

The Executive Committee continued reviewing the suggested revisions to Professional Conduct A procedures.


5.0       New Business

            5.1       Nominations to Executive Committee

            The committee selected possible candidates to run for election to the Executive Committee.


The meeting was adjourned at 5:14 pm.  The next meeting of the Executive Committee will be held on Wednesday, March 21,  2001 at 3:00 pm in room 201 Canfield Administration Building.  Respectfully submitted, David S. Jackson, Secretary.