Draft Draft Draft (01mar28mins)



Present:          Bender, Bryant, Humes, Jackson, Zorn                  


Absent:           Fuller, Latta, Miller, Prochaska-Cue, Scheideler, Siekman, Swoboda, Whitt


Date:               Wednesday, March 28, 2001


Location:        420 University Terrace, Academic Senate Office   

1.0       Call to Order

            Bryant called the meeting to order at 3:12 p.m.


2.0       Announcements

2.1       Meeting with ASUN

Bryant reported that he met with members of ASUN.  He stated that they are concerned with the proposed tuition rate increase.  He noted that they would like to have the tuition increase phased in over a period of time.  Bryant reported that the students are concerned with the implementation of the grading system.  He suggested that students should send their concerns to the Executive Committee.  The Committee will then address these concerns through a letter that will be sent to the Daily Nebraskan and students regarding the new grading system. 


3.0       Approval of 3/21/01 Minutes

            Approval of the minutes was postponed due to the fact that a quorum was not present.


4.0       Unfinished Business

            4.1       Review Revised ARRC Procedures

Due to the lack of a quorum, the committee informally discussed the strategy on how to proceed with reviewing the revisions to the ARRC procedures and how to present them to the full Academic Senate.  The committee members present agreed that a full morning or afternoon session to review the procedures would be beneficial.  Bender stated that Mary Kay Hanson, the attorney retained to assist the Academic Rights & Responsibilities Committee, has been notified of the concerns the Executive Committee regarding issues of confidentiality and the appeals process.  Bender stated that Hanson has agreed to meet with the committee to discuss these concerns.  Bender provided background information regarding the impetus to revise the procedures.  He noted that the ARRC had planned from its inception to review and revise the procedures after they had been in place for 3-4 years.  He pointed out that no particular case was the catalyst for revising the procedures.  The committee then discussed issues regarding confidentiality, the scope of the special panels, and the selection process used to obtain member for the Academic Rights and Responsibilities Panel.


6.0       New Business

            No new business was discussed.


The meeting was adjourned at 4:40 p.m.  The next meeting of the Executive Committee will be held on Wednesday, April 4, 2001 at 3:00 in 201 Canfield Administration Building.  Respectfully submitted, David S. Jackson, Secretary.