Draft Draft Draft (01jan24mins)



Present:          Bender, Bryant, Fuller, Humes, Jackson, Latta, Prochaska-Cue, Scheideler, Siekman, Zorn


Absent:           Miller, Swoboda, Whitt


Date:               Wednesday, January 24, 2001


Location:        Academic Senate Office, 420 University Terrace

1.0       Call to Order

            Scheideler called the meeting to order at 3:05 PM.


2.0       Announcements

            2.1       Board of Regents Meeting

Scheideler reported that two reports of particular interest were made at the Board of Regents meeting.  The first report was on administrative turnover.  It indicated that while UNL has not experienced significantly greater administrative turnover, our salaries and benefits were considerably lower when compared to other institutions.  The report pointed out that this might contribute to the turnover rate at UNL. 


Scheideler stated that the other report was on the core curriculum of each campus.  She noted that UNO appeared to have a more complete outcome assessment than the other campuses.  She stated that the Board of Regents approved a put together by Regent Wilson in support of the core curriculum concept. 


Other matters discussed at the meeting included a) the increased cost of participation in NCAA and b) public outcry against the Antelope Valley Project.  Scheideler noted that the Board of Regents did approve UNL’s participation in the Antelope Valley Project.


2.2       Search for Chief of Police

Scheideler reported that the Senate has been asked to provide faculty names to serve on a search committee for the position of Chief of Police. Faculty names were suggested for the committee. 


2.3       Testing Core Curriculum

Scheideler reported that a committee is being created to review the Area H requirement (Race, Ethnicity and Gender) and that they would like a faculty member from East Campus.  Several faculty names were suggested to serve on the committee.


2.4       Vice Chancellor for Research Search

Vice Chancellor Owens reported that on campus interviews for the position of Vice Chancellor for Research would be conducted soon.


2.5       Faculty Compensation Advisory Committee

Bryant reported that the Faculty Compensation Advisory Committee met and discussed faculty salaries.  He stated that the committee discussed the possibility of faculty salaries reaching the midpoint of our peer institutions.  A suggestion was made to find out what the cost would be for faculty salaries to reach that goal.  Other issues discussed were removing the statutory cap on retirement and coverage of birth control.  Bryant noted that salary information would more than likely not be available until late April or May.


3.0       Vice Chancellor Owens

            3.1       NN21 Status Update

Vice Chancellor Owens stated that he did not have a chance to become fully acquainted with NN21, but that he would report back to the Executive Committee on its status.


3.2       Issues on the Horizon

Vice Chancellor Owens stated that a national search for Dean of CASNR needed to begin.  He asked that the Senate provide a list of faculty to serve on the committee.  The committee stated that they would provide a list of possible search committee members in accordance with the UNL Bylaws, which dictates that faculty members for a dean’s search committee are to be designated by the Academic Senate.


Vice Chancellor Owens stated that the search for Dean of Cooperative Extension needed to resume.  He pointed out that three names have been submitted but that he was unsure as to whether he would start a new search process. 


Scheideler stated that exit interviews of faculty who have left the University indicate that there is a problem with Deans and Department Heads lacking effective people management skills.  She noted that many faculty receive positive feedback only once a year from their administrator.  She pointed out that learning to encourage and motivate faculty might be skills for administrators to work on developing.  Vice Chancellor Owens stated that this could be a topic at the chair workshop that is currently being discussed.  He noted that it might be helpful to bring in an outside consultant to work on developing better management skills. 


4.0       Approval of 1/17/01 Minutes

            Humes moved and Siekman seconded approval of the minutes.  Motion approved.


5.0       Legislative Subcommittee

Scheideler reported that Deb Thomas, Director of Special Projects, Office of the Vice President for External Affairs, has indicated interest in having a faculty subcommittee to work with legislators on issues of key interest.  Some of these might include bills relating to the tobacco settlement, budget issues, fetal cell research, and the rural initiative act.  Prochaska Cue suggested that more information on the bills be obtained.  She pointed out that faculty could then be matched up with senators who are working on these bills and who are from the faculty member’s legislative district.


6.0       Senate Discussion on the Prioritization Process

The committee discussed possible formats for discussing the list of priority programs at the Academic Senate meeting (after it becomes available to all faculty).  Fuller stated that faculty are becoming concerned that there would not be enough time for faculty to provide feedback since the list has not been distributed yet and there are deadlines with Central Administration.  Scheideler stated that she would email Interim Chancellor Perlman and tell him the faculty’s concern.  Latta pointed out that all of the faculty should have the ability to provide input and that there needs to be a way of providing direct feedback from faculty to administrators. 


7.0       Proposed Changes to the ARRC Procedures (Bender)

Bender reported that the Academic Rights and Responsibilities Committee began revising the procedures in the fall of 1998.  He noted that the revisions are in response to problems that have arisen over the years since the procedures were first written.  He stated that no one particular case instigated the revisions.  He pointed out that the changes are not the same in all of the procedures, particularly in the Professional Conduct B procedures, because they deal specifically with federally funded research that is governed by federal law.  Bender stated that sweeping changes have not been made to the procedures and that the basic structure has remained intact.  He pointed out that the revisions were made to improve the process.  The Executive Committee agreed that they would review the proposed revisions and then meet with the Academic Rights and Responsibilities Committee to discuss any concerns they may have.  It is hoped that the revisions will be made available to the Senate during this semester.


8.0       Unfinished Business

            8.1       Grading Proposal

Scheideler reported that she received a summary of the Grading & Examinations Committee review of the proposed motion to change the grading system at UNL.    The Executive Committee agreed that a copy of the summary should be sent to the Senators and that Don Lee, Chair of the Grading & Examinations Committee, should present it to the Senate at the February 6th meeting.


9.0       New Business

            No new business was discussed.


The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 pm.  The next meeting of the Executive Committee will be held on Wednesday, January 31, 2001, at 3:00 pm, 201 Canfield Administration Building.  Respectfully submitted, David Jackson, Secretary.