Draft Draft Draft (01feb7mins)



Present:          Bender, Bryant, Fuller, Humes, Jackson, Latta, Miller, Prochaska Cue, Scheideler, Zorn


Absent:           Siekman, Swoboda, Whitt


Date:               Wednesday, February 7, 2001


Location:        Academic Senate Office, 420 University Terrace

1.0       Call to Order

            Scheideler called the meeting to order at 3:07 PM.


2.0       Announcements

            2.1       Fetal Tissue Research Bill Debate

Scheideler announced that the public would have a chance to comment on the Fetal Tissue Research Bill on Friday, February 9th at the State Capital.  She stated that Professor Dwayne Ball, President of AFCON, Interim Chancellor Perlman, and Regent Hassebrook would be speaking on behalf of academic freedom. 


2.2       Distance Education Report

Scheideler stated that she had received a copy of Central Administration’s Distance Education Report.  She will get a copy to the Executive Committee so they can review and discuss it at the next Executive Committee meeting.  She pointed out that UN central administration is requesting feedback by February 26.


2.3       Grading System Change

The committee agreed to have a discussion with Vice Chancellor Griesen on how to implement changes to the grading system approved at the February Senate meeting.  Bryant suggested that Scheideler should send an email to the students stating that various implementation issues and details need to be considered before the changes are implemented.  The committee agreed that each faculty member could develop their own grading scale, but that a minimum GPA needs to be decided upon.  The committee suggested that lowering the minimum GPA considered acceptable below the current 2.0 threshold would not be sending an appropriate signal.


2.4       Transfer of Tuition Remission Benefit

Scheideler stated that there appears to be strong faculty and staff support for President Smith’s announcement of the proposed transfer of tuition remission benefits for spouses and dependents of faculty and staff.  She stated that the Executive Committee would join UNOPA and UAAD in writing a letter to President Smith thanking him for his support of this benefit.  She noted that there has been some objection by members of the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender community in that the benefit does not include these members of the campus.  The committee agreed that a separate letter of thanks should also be written that would point out that the Senate has, and continues, to support benefits for domestic partners. 


3.0       Revised UNL Bylaws – Associate to the Chancellor Herb Howe

The committee reviewed and discussed their suggestions regarding revisions to the UNL Bylaws with Howe.  He agreed with nearly all of the suggestions.  The committee agreed to present a motion to approve the revised UNL Bylaws to the Senate in March, providing that the ASUN has agreed to changes in the student section that were suggested by the Executive Committee. 


4.0       Approval of 1/31/01 Minutes

            Bryant moved and Humes seconded approval of the minutes.  Motion approved.


5.0       Senate Meeting Follow Up Discussion

            See 2.3 above.


6.0       Review Proposed Changes to the ARRC Procedures

The committee began reviewing proposed changes to the Professional Conduct A procedures. 


7.0       Unfinished Business

            No unfinished business was discussed.


8.0       New Business

            8.1       Faculty Roles Initiative

Latta stated that the survey on Faculty Roles Initiative is under development.  She requested that discussion and input on the draft survey be placed on the February 28th agenda.


8.2       Student Athletic Scholarships

Latta raised concern over the athletic department’s removal of student scholarships.  She wondered if the athletic department goes through a review process when they rescind scholarships for academic reasons.  Scheideler stated that she would contact the Intercollegiate Athletic Committee and ask them to review the athletic department’s procedures.


The meeting was adjourned at 5:16 PM.  The next meeting of the Executive Committee will be held on Wednesday, February 14 at 3:00 PM in 201 Canfield Administration Building.  Respectfully submitted, David S. Jackson, Secretary.