Careers In Intelligence

There are two types of people: those who sit on the sidelines, and those who are in the middle of the action. A career in intelligence offers those with outstanding skills the opportunity to use them to create the career of a lifetime. Any career in this field-whether it's in analysis, translation, intelligence collection, or something else-allows you to be at the forefront of intelligence and policy in an ever-changing world. The National Security Program at UNL will help equip you with skills that these employers are looking for, in addition to providing networking and other important opportunities. Below is a sampling of careers a National Security minor pairs well with, but the possibilities with a National Security background are unlimited. 

Central Intelligence Agency
  • Help to provide the the analysis of foreign intelligence that allows senior policymakers to make informed policy decisions
  • Analysts compound information from a multitude of relevant sources 
  • Produce written reports and oral briefings for senior US policymakers and potentially the President
  • "Intelligence analysis is like putting together the pieces of a
    puzzle to form a picture that is complete enough to comphrehend-even when some pieces are still missing."
Support Services 
  • Security Professional
    • Collect and analyze the security of counterintelligence information and policy
    • Positions can include adjudicator, polygraph examiner, and background investigator
  • Support Officer
    • Provide administrative support, such as budget and finace, human resources issues, security and  project management, and logistics
    • Most Support Officers are sent to the field within the first year of their assignment to the CIA
  • Contracting
    • Play a role in complex contract negotiations, and see the process through to contract evaluation

Defense Intelligence Agency

Information Technology Professionals 

  • Use your information technology skills and experiences to maintain sophisticated information systems that allow the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) to more effectively analyze, process and disseminate vital intelligence
  • Provide accurate and up-to-date information to assist decision makers worldwide, such as the Department of Defense, in monitoring and responding to situations
  • Your career path could include deployment to one of over 120 countries
  • If you're interested in using emerging technologies in the field of foreign military intelligence collection and production, this is the field for you

Combatant Commands (COCOM) Professionals 

  • Perform an imperative role in National Security through a career as either a Defense Intelligence Agency Intelligence Officer or Intelligence Support Officer
  • Collect and analyze intelligence regarding the militaries in foreign governments
  • Create and cultivate information technology imperative to protecting Defense Intelligence Agency resources